Stealth Fighter Manuevers Today?


One of the B-2's flew directly over Court House (Arlington) this morning, quite low to the ground and headed west. I thought it might have something to do with Arlington Cemetery considering the number of flyovers from there that pass my office window.


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Folks what you seen and heard was a DRAGO Flight. Flight of 2 B2 Spirits and reportedly 1 B-1B as well as a B-52. All callsign DREGO. I was unable to confirm the invlovement of the B1-B or the B-52 though.

DREGO is the callsign used for most Military Flyovers in the CONUS. (Continental United States)

Todays DREGO flight was for a Flyover at Arlington Cemetary. Sometimes the different aircraft will get in the area a few minutes early and Washinton Ctr. and the Potomac Tracon may give then a designated altitude and have them fly in a cirlce and wait the linkup with the other inbound aircraft so they can all proceed in together for the flyover at the appointed time.

I am not sure which Base DREGO 51 & 52 came from but they were handed off from here to Cleveland CTR. I lost them after that.

I listen to this flights on my scanners periodically but they are kind of like listening to the flights tests at PAX. Once you have heard them a few times they are kind of boring.

Now the F-22s out of Langley can be neat to listen to. They go out over the Atlantic of the coast of DE, MD, and VA in the FACSFAC VACAPES (GIANTKILLER) Airspace and get into some pretty good Air Combat Manuevering which can be interesting to listen to.


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desertrat said:
Lets hope they weren't transporting "unarmed" cruise missles.

Yes, I read that Article in the Last Air Force Times... :lmao:

Hey, at least they admitted there was a goof.


Talking about jets reminded me of a video I found on UTube today. Just for the heck of it I typed in Ramstein. I was amazed to see that they had video on there of the airshow accident in 1988. We lived there at that time and my parents were both at the airshow. It gave me the creeps to see it again after all these years. I can't believe it was 19 years ago!


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Bronwyn said:
Talking about jets reminded me of a video I found on UTube today. Just for the heck of it I typed in Ramstein. I was amazed to see that they had video on there of the airshow accident in 1988. We lived there at that time and my parents were both at the airshow. It gave me the creeps to see it again after all these years. I can't believe it was 19 years ago!

I have never witness an airshow accident firsthand. Have seen one bad accident at pax and the after crash wreckage twice here that I remember. Awful


Jeff said:
I have never witness an airshow accident firsthand. Have seen one bad accident at pax and the after crash wreckage twice here that I remember. Awful

When Ramstein happened, I noticed a large number of helicopters were flying over my house. I mean one after another. My neighbor came out and told me that there was an accident and that a lot of people were hurt. It was almost impossible to get off base, so my parents were stuck there and I had no clue if they were okay or not.
3 pilots killed, 7 people on the ground were killed, and over 500 people injured. Most people were injured by flying debris and the burning jet fuel that spilled all over the crowd.