Steelers Fans


itsbob said:
That MUST be 3 TOUCHDOWNS... after NY... pitt should just forfeit and save themselves the embarassment..
Bob I use to like you till this post. :lmao: Need I remind you a few weeks back when the Steelers were the team that EMBARRASSED the Pats and stopped their win streak COLD. So they will just repeat that act again.
ACESRT04 said:
Bob I use to like you till this post. :lmao: Need I remind you a few weeks back when the Steelers were the team that EMBARRASSED the Pats and stopped their win streak COLD. So they will just repeat that act again.



The snow has stopped, roads are clear, see all the STEELER fans tonight, and anyone else who might show up :getdown: :getdown: :cartwheel :cartwheel :cheers: :cheers: :banana: :banana:


Swinging on Vines
Tomcat said:
roads are clear
which ones? Mine is still ice. And my darn mailbox is frozen shut...I can't get my mail from yesterday!! It's probably just bills, so I'll just wait til it thaws.
I guess I'll just have to see all of you Steelers fans at a Superbowl get-together!! :yay:


I bowl overhand
ACESRT04 said:
Bob I use to like you till this post. :lmao: Need I remind you a few weeks back when the Steelers were the team that EMBARRASSED the Pats and stopped their win streak COLD. So they will just repeat that act again.
*TWIDDLE* Not lookin good for Pitt *bummer* NE making them look bad!!


New Member
Steelers BLOW........... it again!!!!

Different year same outcome. I'm so pissed right now I could use my terrible towel a toilet paper.

For a guy who performed outstanding all season, to go into two playoff games and SUCK as bad as he (Ben) did, I wush they had have had a losing season like everyone was guessing after Tommy got hurt.

Anybody know what Ben's QB rating was for the post season..... He had a 57.8 with the Jets game last week and tonights game has got to be much lower.

He played like crap and so did the defensive secondary, just like the secondary did last year....

Is Bill to blame for any of this? I would have gone for the fourth and goal...


I bowl overhand
Cletus_Vandam said:
Different year same outcome. I'm so pissed right now I could use my terrible towel a toilet paper.

For a guy who performed outstanding all season, to go into two playoff games and SUCK as bad as he (Ben) did, I wush they had have had a losing season like everyone was guessing after Tommy got hurt.

Anybody know what Ben's QB rating was for the post season..... He had a 57.8 with the Jets game last week and tonights game has got to be much lower.

He played like crap and so did the defensive secondary, just like the secondary did last year....

Is Bill to blame for any of this? I would have gone for the fourth and goal...

Wouldn't have mattered, Pitt would have lost anyways.. They were beaten by a better team, not just a better quarterback. BUT, I would like to add, they did it with a lot more class then most teams.. No Randy Moss mooning the crowd.. no Terell Owens doing some studid juvenile dance in the end zone.. NE deserves the best "winner'/ Sportsmanship award..


Tomcat said:
I've only gotten a few replies about the party, didn't know you had so many Steelers fans in Jacksonville

We had about 20,000 Steelers fans at the Jags game in December... we almost matched the number of Jaguar fans, and WJXT, who carried the game locally, refused to show any crowd scenes. :lmao:


New Member
Not Signing Negative Feedback

I'm wondering who the punk is that didn't have the ba!!s to sign their negative feedback that they left for me.....

If you think you have the guts to leave the negative feedback as least leave a name.

Must have been a low life Patriots fan.


Cletus_Vandam said:
I'm wondering who the punk is that didn't have the ba!!s to sign their negative feedback that they left for me.....

If you think you have the guts to leave the negative feedback as least leave a name.

Must have been a low life Patriots fan.
Twasn't me! I would sign if i sent any. I got unsigned red because I was a Pats fan. Like we don't all have differences? :smoochy:


New Member
I can only suspect it was the person posting right after my post. But, unsigned is still unsigned. I haven't given negative feedback on this post and I always sign mine also...


Thanks for the green, mystery person! BUT, I am female and sooner or later will whine..LOL :biggrin: :high5: I'll just try and make the whine about not having enough shoes LOL


I bowl overhand
Cletus_Vandam said:
I'm wondering who the punk is that didn't have the ba!!s to sign their negative feedback that they left for me.....

If you think you have the guts to leave the negative feedback as least leave a name.

Must have been a low life Patriots fan.
NOPE, I would have signed it!!

Might have been signed "Love Kizzy" BUT I would have signed it!!