Steelers & Skins Game later this afternoon



:tap: Now this is going to be a tough game for me. I am a skins fan unless they play the Steelers. Anyway, I will be planted firmly on the sofa at 1 p.m. :cheers:


Kizzy said:
:tap: Now this is going to be a tough game for me. I am a skins fan unless they play the Steelers. Anyway, I will be planted firmly on the sofa at 1 p.m. :cheers:

Me too!!! Go Skins!~~~ :thewave: :thewave:


Watching at home. Plenty of Beer, liquor, wine, snacks, food, etc. Roast beast for dinner. I'm content. :cheers: Go Pittsburg. :banana:


You're all F'in Mad...
I wonder if anyone told the Redskins offense to show up this week? :confused:

I hope they make a game of it. I can't believe that Joe Gibbs is having this much trouble getting his offense going... Love the Skins, and I'm ready for some W's...


Dancing Up A Storm
jazz lady said:
:yeahthat: What a yawn-fest.
At 1:52 left in the game, I had on 98.3 FM, listening to Sonny J. and friend lamenting the loss of the game, and effusing what might have been if this or that had happened, and yea, it was a shame they lost.

Sonny then made the comment that he thought the 'Skins should be 8 - 3 at this point in the season, enroute to a 10 and 6 record.

Is this guy living on a different planet, or what? I enjoy optimism as much as the next guy, but that seemed a little over the top for me.

I think, in his mind, he's still living in the glory days of yesteryear, and he expects every Redskin season to live up to those past years.

I'm not going to call his views pathetic, but gee, he can't seem to come to grips with what reality is throwing at him.

Another gem: " A Joe Gibbs coached team isn't supposed to play like this!"

Earlier in pre-season, I said something to the effect that I think many Redskin fans thought that the return of Joe Gibbs was like the second coming of the Messiah. Sonny is surely among those fans.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...they could have been 8-3 if not for a play here or there or a few bad calls.
That was my song and dance of what Gibbs would bring to the table, a play here, a play there.

The fact is the Skins have been in every game and had a chance to win except the Eagles game and they were first and goal in the 3rd quarter when all that went down hill.

You were right that it was too much to expect in the first year but only so far as to what has actually happened. Gibbs isn't making false starts and missing open recievers.

Also, the team HAS been in many of the games and has suffered some 12 serious injuries to starters, way more than normal for the NFL, and has never quit. Where would they be with LaVar, Jansen, Barrow, Daniels and Bowen playing every game? Perhaps a play here or there better? Or likely more?

In any event, it is what it is. The big mistake was, obviously, Brunnel. He's done and Gibbs missed it.

Hopefully, we can keep Williams as coordinator for the D and simply, AS YOU SAID, have some more time to get it going.


Dancing Up A Storm
Larry Gude said:
...they could have been 8-3 if not for a play here or there or a few bad calls.
That was my song and dance of what Gibbs would bring to the table, a play here, a play there.

The fact is the Skins have been in every game and had a chance to win except the Eagles game and they were first and goal in the 3rd quarter when all that went down hill.

You were right that it was too much to expect in the first year but only so far as to what has actually happened. Gibbs isn't making false starts and missing open recievers.

Also, the team HAS been in many of the games and has suffered some 12 serious injuries to starters, way more than normal for the NFL, and has never quit. Where would they be with LaVar, Jansen, Barrow, Daniels and Bowen playing every game? Perhaps a play here or there better? Or likely more?

In any event, it is what it is. The big mistake was, obviously, Brunnel. He's done and Gibbs missed it.

Hopefully, we can keep Williams as coordinator for the D and simply, AS YOU SAID, have some more time to get it going.
That's cool Larry. If it's any consolation to you, my Giants bit the big one against the Eagles, badly.

Oh well. :ohwell:


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...they could have been 8-3 if not for a play here or there or a few bad calls.
That was my song and dance of what Gibbs would bring to the table, a play here, a play there.

Agreed..a play here or a play there has been missed cuz the receivers aren't holding onto the ball.

Larry Gude said:
The fact is the Skins have been in every game and had a chance to win except the Eagles game and they were first and goal in the 3rd quarter when all that went down hill.

Went downhill when the officials didn't catch that eagles receiver stepping out of bounds on the replay. Instead of a 4th and 2, they gave the eagles a first down and the skins deflated from there.

Larry Gude said:
You were right that it was too much to expect in the first year but only so far as to what has actually happened. Gibbs isn't making false starts and missing open recievers.

I was in total agreement with your prediction(Ws/Ls) but I expected alot more from Brunell, regardless of dropped balls on him. Brunell missing all those open guys is a blessing, cuz he's done.

Larry Gude said:
Also, the team HAS been in many of the games and has suffered some 12 serious injuries to starters, way more than normal for the NFL, and has never quit. Where would they be with LaVar, Jansen, Barrow, Daniels and Bowen playing every game? Perhaps a play here or there better? Or likely more?

Losing Jansen and the other O linemen has hurt, but the D has been way better than I expected regardless of the injuries there.

Larry Gude said:
In any event, it is what it is. The big mistake was, obviously, Brunnel. He's done and Gibbs missed it.


Larry Gude said:
Hopefully, we can keep Williams as coordinator for the D and simply, AS YOU SAID, have some more time to get it going.

Gibbs will fix everything and Williams isn't going anywhere, he's paid well to be in charge of defense. He didn't set the world on fire as a head coach, so I doubt he will be in great demand for an open head coaching job. He's like Pettibone when he was a head coach, he reached his level of incompetency.

All this about a play here and a play there, the skins have had their chances. Gardner and Coles have been miserable as wide receivers, dropped balls, they quit working to get open, they take plays off. Continuity on offense is killed by them. The skins would have been 5-6 or 6-5 IF they had caught half the balls they have dropped. Of course, thats my theroy and as yall know, I'm still on the koolade IV. Gibbs will get this team right, believe it!..

Sorry if I jumped someone's response, I believe Larry's post was in reply to someone elses.....


The Pittsburgh Steelers won again. Beating the NY Giants, final score 33/30. :getdown: I smell a super bowl win. :cartwheel


New Member
Doubtful Steelers Fan

I've been a Steelers fan for thirty years... This year has been the best year so far.

Having Direct TV and the season pass to watch every a$$ whipping they've dealt out has been fun.

Nothing owuld be better than for them to win the Superbowl this year, but I'm not getting my hopes up. As a matter of fact, I am doubtful that they will make it that far.

They're too up or down. When they played Philly and NE they looked unbeatable. But they go up against the Giants and Cinci and they barely squeak by. They just don't seem to hand out the whippin's that NE seemed to be capable of week in and week out.

Guess we'll all see in the next few weeks...


Cletus_Vandam said:
I've been a Steelers fan for thirty years... This year has been the best year so far.

Having Direct TV and the season pass to watch every a$$ whipping they've dealt out has been fun.

Nothing owuld be better than for them to win the Superbowl this year, but I'm not getting my hopes up. As a matter of fact, I am doubtful that they will make it that far.

They're too up or down. When they played Philly and NE they looked unbeatable. But they go up against the Giants and Cinci and they barely squeak by. They just don't seem to hand out the whippin's that NE seemed to be capable of week in and week out.

Guess we'll all see in the next few weeks...

I hope I can come back here in a few weeks and toss cake in your face. :wink:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Cletus_Vandam said:
They're too up or down. When they played Philly and NE they looked unbeatable. But they go up against the Giants and Cinci and they barely squeak by. They just don't seem to hand out the whippin's that NE seemed to be capable of week in and week out.
Philly seems to be having the same problem. They should have whomped the Cowgirls handily and didn't. They won, but it was ugly. It sure didn't look like a 12-1 team playing a 5-8 one.