Steelers & Skins Game later this afternoon


Swinging on Vines
Kizzy said:
The Pittsburgh Steelers won again. Beating the NY Giants, final score 33/30. :getdown: I smell a super bowl win. :cartwheel
The sports-casters are all saying that the 12 game win streak is the same as the Patriots last season, and one other team that went on to win the big game (sorry, can't remember which team.)
I've been waiting for a season like this, ever since that bad call on the freakin' coin toss, a few years back!! :yay:


Swinging on Vines
Cletus_Vandam said:
I've been a Steelers fan for thirty years... This year has been the best year so far.

Having Direct TV and the season pass to watch every a$$ whipping they've dealt out has been fun.

Nothing owuld be better than for them to win the Superbowl this year, but I'm not getting my hopes up. As a matter of fact, I am doubtful that they will make it that far.

They're too up or down. When they played Philly and NE they looked unbeatable. But they go up against the Giants and Cinci and they barely squeak by. They just don't seem to hand out the whippin's that NE seemed to be capable of week in and week out.

Guess we'll all see in the next few weeks...
A win is a win, and the close games make for more exciting games. (And occasionally a potential heart attack for some of us.) If the Steelers ran away with every game, they'd eventually lose- because they aren't being challenged. Be thankful for the tough games.


Swinging on Vines
Cletus_Vandam said:
I've been a Steelers fan for thirty years... This year has been the best year so far.

Having Direct TV and the season pass to watch every a$$ whipping they've dealt out has been fun.

Nothing owuld be better than for them to win the Superbowl this year, but I'm not getting my hopes up. As a matter of fact, I am doubtful that they will make it that far.

They're too up or down. When they played Philly and NE they looked unbeatable. But they go up against the Giants and Cinci and they barely squeak by. They just don't seem to hand out the whippin's that NE seemed to be capable of week in and week out.

Guess we'll all see in the next few weeks...
The close games are more exciting- if the Steelers ran away with every game it would be really boring.


New Member
Ya all got me wrong!!!

Kizzy said:
I hope I can come back here in a few weeks and toss cake in your face. :wink:

I think you all misunderstand me. I would LOVE to have the Steelers go to and win the Superbowl.

I have been a Steeler fan way too long to not want that. BUT, how many of you true Steeler fans remember Neil O'Donnel's horrific performance at the Steelers last superbowl outing against the Cryboys?

Or, how about the Steelers getting beat by the Pats when the Steelers were favored by double digits to beat them in order to move onto the Superbowl (I think that was 2002).

The Steelers are looking good, with glimmers of looking great every now and then. I guess I'm being pessimistic when it comes to where they will play out. I’m cheering for them every game. I am a fanatic when it comes to their games. I guess I’m just not trying to build my hopes up too high for them to win it all this year, ‘cause I know the let down is going to kill me if they lose…


This week is gonna be a tough one for me, I grew up in Pittsburgh, so have been a Steelers fan for a long time (Terry Bradshaw used to have hair!) (before there was a Three Rivers Stadium) When I first came down here 30 some years ago I started to follow Baltimore since the games were on every weekend. We all know what happened to them, so I watched the Deadskins. Now that Baltimore is back I've been rooting for them again. I guess the Steelers are still kinda a favorite for me though.
:confused: Trivia for the day: Where did the Steelers play before Three Rivers Stadium???


Swinging on Vines
Tomcat said:
This week is gonna be a tough one for me, I grew up in Pittsburgh, so have been a Steelers fan for a long time (Terry Bradshaw used to have hair!) (before there was a Three Rivers Stadium) When I first came down here 30 some years ago I started to follow Baltimore since the games were on every weekend. We all know what happened to them, so I watched the Deadskins. Now that Baltimore is back I've been rooting for them again. I guess the Steelers are still kinda a favorite for me though.
:confused: Trivia for the day: Where did the Steelers play before Three Rivers Stadium???
Forbes Field and then Pitt stadium


I think Rick's in Wildewood is as close as we're going to find around here. Their cheesesteak samich is very close to an original Philly cheesesteak, and they'll make your hoagie however you want it. :yay:


Swinging on Vines
Tomcat said:
I think Rick's in Wildewood is as close as we're going to find around here. Their cheesesteak samich is very close to an original Philly cheesesteak, and they'll make your hoagie however you want it. :yay:
Huh, I've never even heard of Rick's. I'll hafta check it out-thanks!