Still deressed and still in pain


I heart CLeValley
Sucks to be me, this won't end. I have weaned off all meds and hope that add meds wil help. I really want to go to college,but may be too disorganised. and to old to get help from the college.

Just remember whatever it is that has you in pain - someone else has it worse!!!!! You could have never known what it feels to be loved unconditionally, never known how much you could love someone else, never known how it feels to look into your babies eyes for the first time, never known how kiss your child's booboo, never known what it feels like to say I love you and to have someone say it back and mean it, never known that today will bring tomorrow, -there are so many others to not have known.... So pick your butt up and live your life to the fullest!!!! Dance naked, sing your favorite song out of tune, watch your favorite tear jerker movie and cry really cry - laugh AT yourself, have fun with the hubby.


Well-Known Member
Oh for pete's sake. Do you really expect to get help on an internet forum? Go see a counselor or something. And I bet drinking is a great way to get over depression. :rolleyes: I get so sick of the "pooooor me" attitudes. :bawl:



Obama destroyed America
Oh for pete's sake. Do you really expect to get help on an internet forum? Go see a counselor or something. And I bet drinking is a great way to get over depression. :rolleyes: I get so sick of the "pooooor me" attitudes. :bawl: :wah:
Pete, Pete, Pete!!!! It's always about Pete!! :duh:


I wanna be a SMIB
Oh for pete's sake. Do you really expect to get help on an internet forum? Go see a counselor or something. And I bet drinking is a great way to get over depression. :rolleyes: I get so sick of the "pooooor me" attitudes. :bawl:


:nono: youre not being very nice.


Oh for pete's sake. Do you really expect to get help on an internet forum? Go see a counselor or something. And I bet drinking is a great way to get over depression. :rolleyes: I get so sick of the "pooooor me" attitudes. :bawl:


I know you don't really mean that. Sometime people get so desperate they reach out to anyone that will hear them. So I listened no matter what she had to say, no matter what state she was in. The most important ting you can do for someone is listen and just be there.

Its ok to not want to give help or advice and just leave it at that but its not ok to put some one down when they're already down.

I'm sure she really just wants to "get over it" she just doesn't have the strength to get there at this time.

Either you have been fortunate to never have anything trumatic happen to you in your life or you have had such tremendous pain that you never want to revisit it not even through someone else's pain.



I wanna be a SMIB
I just went thru a deep depression fortunatly it was a short one. But I sat in my home and cryed hysterically for 6 days. From the time I woke up with tears in my eyes till I closed them at night. I even think I may of cryed in my sleep. Depression is a terrible thing and not something to make light of. I feel for her, maybe she just needed to get it off her chest to maybe make her feel a little better. I know I would of talked to total strangers if I felt they cared. So lets just give this one a break, instead of trying to push her off the bridge. Lets allow her to vent without criticism, just this once, lets be the good guys on the forum.


I just went thru a deep depression fortunatly it was a short one. But I sat in my home and cryed hysterically for 6 days. From the time I woke up with tears in my eyes till I closed them at night. I even think I may of cryed in my sleep. Depression is a terrible thing and not something to make light of. I feel for her, maybe she just needed to get it off her chest to maybe make her feel a little better. I know I would of talked to total strangers if I felt they cared. So lets just give this one a break, instead of trying to push her off the bridge. Lets allow her to vent without criticism, just this once, lets be the good guys on the forum.

I totally agree. As I said before when you slip into that downward spiral you grab hold of anything when you fall. She was reaching out and I'm glad that we were there for her.

That goes for anybody in the forum. I don't care if we never agreed, if you're down, feeling so low I will be there, you can PM me. I don't care what its about. I have a certain patience for this and unconditional love. In no way am I a certified counselor or doctor but I am here for the time if you fall. :huggy:


Oh for pete's sake. Do you really expect to get help on an internet forum? Go see a counselor or something. And I bet drinking is a great way to get over depression. :rolleyes: I get so sick of the "pooooor me" attitudes. :bawl:


Well, thank you for your kind and meaningful acid comments.
If you cant say anything helpful, then dont add fuel to the fire.

The majority of folks with depression and other mood disorders self medicate to feel normal and that is by drinking....but I guess you know that Mrs. Know-it-all.


I just went thru a deep depression fortunatly it was a short one. But I sat in my home and cryed hysterically for 6 days. From the time I woke up with tears in my eyes till I closed them at night. I even think I may of cryed in my sleep. Depression is a terrible thing and not something to make light of. I feel for her, maybe she just needed to get it off her chest to maybe make her feel a little better. I know I would of talked to total strangers if I felt they cared. So lets just give this one a break, instead of trying to push her off the bridge. Lets allow her to vent without criticism, just this once, lets be the good guys on the forum.

Thank you :huggy:


Well-Known Member
I know you don't really mean that. Sometime people get so desperate they reach out to anyone that will hear them. So I listened no matter what she had to say, no matter what state she was in. The most important ting you can do for someone is listen and just be there.

Its ok to not want to give help or advice and just leave it at that but its not ok to put some one down when they're already down.

I'm sure she really just wants to "get over it" she just doesn't have the strength to get there at this time.

Either you have been fortunate to never have anything trumatic happen to you in your life or you have had such tremendous pain that you never want to revisit it not even through someone else's pain.


Actually, there was a time a few years ago when I went through some depression because of my job and my home environment. My family listened while I cried to them...and months later they got sick of it. My sister (my best friend in the whole world) told me I needed to do something about it and quit whining all the time. It made a world of difference. I actually did something about it and changed my situation and now I'm perfectly happy.

This is not craberta's first thread like this. I was honest when I said maybe she needed a wake up call. How long can one wallow in self pity before he/she actually does something constructive (and drinking isn't) and betters the situation?

Well, thank you for your kind and meaningful acid comments.
If you cant say anything helpful, then dont add fuel to the fire.

The majority of folks with depression and other mood disorders self medicate to feel normal and that is by drinking....but I guess you know that Mrs. Know-it-all.

OMG, if this isn't hypocrisy I don't know what is.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Well, thank you for your kind and meaningful acid comments.
If you cant say anything helpful, then dont add fuel to the fire.

The majority of folks with depression and other mood disorders self medicate to feel normal and that is by drinking....but I guess you know that Mrs. Know-it-all.



Actually, there was a time a few years ago when I went through some depression because of my job and my home environment. My family listened while I cried to them...and months later they got sick of it. My sister (my best friend in the whole world) told me I needed to do something about it and quit whining all the time. It made a world of difference. I actually did something about it and changed my situation and now I'm perfectly happy.

This is not craberta's first thread like this. I was honest when I said maybe she needed a wake up call. How long can one wallow in self pity before he/she actually does something constructive (and drinking isn't) and betters the situation?

I also agree with you. Depression takes a toll on everyone around you, they don't want to see you in that state yet they don't know what to do so they become frustated. When you have depression you aren't thinking clear like the people around you and that may make you feel like you're crazy :crazy: because you just can't get out of that loop. I can see how your family just wanted you to snap out of it, its hard. Sometimes thats all it takes for someone to get better, "GET OVER IT" Other times when abuse is involved its gets tricky and in extreme cases one's mind may not ever be quieted.

I'm so glad that you were quick to get out of it, not an easy place to be :huggy:


Obama destroyed America
Well, thank you for your kind and meaningful acid comments. If you cant say anything helpful, then dont add fuel to the fire.

The majority of folks with depression and other mood disorders self medicate to feel normal and that is by drinking....but I guess you know that Mrs. Know-it-all.
STFU you friggin hypocrite!! :smack:



I wanna be a SMIB
Depreesion is a dark place you can end up in. When your there, you cant see the light.
Now Im not a compassionate person at all, I think I got jipped on that gene, but It took me almost 2 weeks to come out of this last bout. So lets give her a break. So what if this isnt her first time doing this. None of us are perfect.