stmarys hospital



there radiology department sucks bigtime. i was told tuesday the doctor would have the report this am but i called this am and they said sorry not done and it might be the middle of next week before they get the report. well i am supposed to go away weds am and the doctor never said wether i could fly or not...guess i will find out the day before i am supposed to leave which really sucks.


New Member
there radiology department sucks bigtime. i was told tuesday the doctor would have the report this am but i called this am and they said sorry not done and it might be the middle of next week before they get the report. well i am supposed to go away weds am and the doctor never said wether i could fly or not...guess i will find out the day before i am supposed to leave which really sucks.

You need to have your doctor contact the radiology department and tell them he needs the report NOW. I've had to do that before and couple years ago for a preop, they will do it.


You need to have your doctor contact the radiology department and tell them he needs the report NOW. I've had to do that before and couple years ago for a preop, they will do it.

ok thanks I just did that....


I bowl overhand
I've never had any trouble with them. :shrug:


Daughter Loves St Mary's Hospital ER.. Not so much about the staff physicians after she gets admitted, but the ER staff, and the nursing staff are AWESOME!

ER Doc was trying to find a solution to the pain she was in, and she was getting dejected when he replied.. "Don't worry, we have more drugs than you have pain." He became her favorite doctor ever.

And maybe I'm old school.. I don't consider a "slice hand" an emergency.. I mean I'd go the ER for help, but wouldn't expect to be top on the list for care when I got there. Hell, normally I can stop the bleeding, I just don't have the drugs or the skill to do the embroidery.


Happy Camper

And maybe I'm old school.. I don't consider a "slice hand" an emergency.. I mean I'd go the ER for help, but wouldn't expect to be top on the list for care when I got there. Hell, normally I can stop the bleeding, I just don't have the drugs or the skill to do the embroidery.

:yeahthat: Most of the time, you get out of a hospital visit what you are willing to put in. In other words, if you are a biatchy whiner, you may get crappy service. On the other hand, if you are an informed and cooperative patient, you are more likely to have a good experience. I've never had a bad experience at any hospital or ER. Sometimes, you just have to wait your turn...


New Member
:yeahthat: Most of the time, you get out of a hospital visit what you are willing to put in. In other words, if you are a biatchy whiner, you may get crappy service. On the other hand, if you are an informed and cooperative patient, you are more likely to have a good experience. I've never had a bad experience at any hospital or ER. Sometimes, you just have to wait your turn...

:yeahthat: Sometimes they are busy dealing with multiple car accidents and bigger medical emergencies.


I'd always heard bad things about them and never wanted to go...until I didn't have a choice and they were nothing but great.....and then when i went back this summer when I blew out my shoulder they were great as well....


I'd always heard bad things about them and never wanted to go...until I didn't have a choice and they were nothing but great.....and then when i went back this summer when I blew out my shoulder they were great as well....

I've only been once - and that was recently for a broken foot and I didn't necessarily go in for a broken foot. I ended up having a bad allergic reaction to Advil. Very scary and I knew something was seriously wrong - they were great. I don't take Advil for pain anymore.

Dead Eye
Good ole St Marys!!!

Severe head trama~
Side of skull crushed in. Upper jaw hanging crooked. Orbital socket and floor plate crushed like an egg shell. ect ect ect

Yep ~ They sent me home.


Active Member
I've never had a problem with St. Mary's Hospital. Had 3 surgeries there, multiple ER visits for family and never ever waited more than 10 mins. to be seen. I don't know what you are all talking about. It's only gotten better since the MedStar Merger. Quit your whining and try a big city hospital and then you will adjust your opinion!
BTW, in my humble opinion... the ppl that whine the most, just like to find things to whine about.


Routinely Derailed
I never complain in hospitals, and I try to let them know that I know a little about nursing and medicine as well. From 1998 to 2008, I lived in St. Mary's County and used St. Mary's hospital. I seldom spent less than 8 hours there if I had to go to the ER, I always had trouble getting radiology and lab data to my doctors, and I truly enjoyed the luxury of a 1-bed room after surgery while recovering. I worried about the skill of the staff, after I had to assist a nurse with my own catheterization and flushing, and when they almost killed my mother through quackery I really had concerns. She did die there, as a matter of fact, but it wasn't the hospital's fault.

Then I had a few visits to Calvert Memorial with my wife. Even in the worst situation (when she was on a gurney in the hallway for hours), I was impressed by their competence and by the cleanliness of the place. And when it was time for surgery, I was truly impressed, and actually a bit shocked, by their competence and techniques. Soon after that I moved to Calvert, primarily for the hospital. I have also found that doctors affiliated with that hospital seem much more competent than the ones I used in St. Mary's.

These are just my experiences and opinions. I know that each person seems to have differing experiences and ideas that affect how they make their choices and formulate their opinions - all valid. Where the rubber meets the road is the end result of the experience. Being on the correct side of the sod and having the problem properly corrected without undue suffering rank highly among desirable results.


I have never had problems. When I have scheduled appointments for tests they are always on time. When I had to go to the ER the staff was great. The wait can be long sometimes but thats part of going to the ER.

I had surgery at Calvert cause thats where the surgeon had to operate and I do not care if I ever go back there again. The nurse was rude and the other nurses were unprofessional that sat at the desk.


Horse Poor
I just had surgery a few weeks ago. I must say I have heard the horror stories but I can say that the staff was great. They were very attentive and made sure I was comfy the whole time.. :popcorn:


My son had a minor surgery there when he was 13 months old. We absolutely loved everyone we came into contact with. They were so patient and caring. I'll never forget when I saw one of the nurses carrying him back to us from recovery. She was so gentle and loving toward him. She said, "I hope you don't mind that I wanted to hold him instead of rolling him out, he just looks so small and helpless."

When we left, they gave us a list of everyone that we had dealt with that day so if we had any issues, we'd have names to refer to. I thought the staff was great. They called the following day to make sure my son was feeling ok. It's been a while since I've had a medical provider do that.