Stomach Bug Coming Soon


aka Mrs. Giant
US hit by new stomach bug spreading around globe - DC Breaking Local News Weather Sports FOX 5 WTTG
"It can sweep through an environment very, very quickly. You can be feeling quite fine one minute and within several hours suffer continuous vomiting and diarrhea," he said.

It's spread by infected food handlers who don't do a good job washing their hands after using the bathroom. But unlike salmonella and other foodborne illnesses, norovirus can also spread in the air, through droplets that fly when a sick person vomits.


Jam out with ur clam out
US hit by new stomach bug spreading around globe - DC Breaking Local News Weather Sports FOX 5 WTTG
"It can sweep through an environment very, very quickly. You can be feeling quite fine one minute and within several hours suffer continuous vomiting and diarrhea," he said.

It's spread by infected food handlers who don't do a good job washing their hands after using the bathroom. But unlike salmonella and other foodborne illnesses, norovirus can also spread in the air, through droplets that fly when a sick person vomits.


chit... lets ban all restaurants


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Get a bubble! Get a bubble! :jameo: :cds:

You know this last flu epidemic, when everyone in America was sick and ready to die? I caught it, too, and it was awful.

Had a whole half day of runny nose and slight congestion. :dead:


aka Mrs. Giant
Get a bubble! Get a bubble! :jameo: :cds:

You know this last flu epidemic, when everyone in America was sick and ready to die? I caught it, too, and it was awful.

Had a whole half day of runny nose and slight congestion. :dead:

That's cause you floss.

I can handle anything except vomiting. :barf: is so not cool.


Well-Known Member
Get a bubble! Get a bubble! :jameo: :cds:

You know this last flu epidemic, when everyone in America was sick and ready to die? I caught it, too, and it was awful.

Had a whole half day of runny nose and slight congestion. :dead:

I promise you, you did not have the flu with a 1/2 day of a runny nose and slight congestion. :buddies:


aka Mrs. Giant
Looks like the stomach virus is here at my house. They say pineapple juice works well.

I was watching a weekend morning show and they were saying for this virus that you need to use lots of bleach everywhere. They even recommended Clorox wipes for your hands, "it may dry out your hands, but it's worth it". Soap and water "may" work to kill the bacteria, but only if you use extremely hot water and wash for the length of singing the birthday song twice. They said anti-bacterial sanitizers will not kill the virus.

Get a bubble! Get a bubble! :jameo: :cds:

You know this last flu epidemic, when everyone in America was sick and ready to die? I caught it, too, and it was awful.

Had a whole half day of runny nose and slight congestion. :dead:

You certainly didn't catch the flu for half a day :yay:..........goofy


Dream Stealer
this is why I prefer to wash mmy hands the old fashioned way. many stomach bugs and other illnesses spread through spores are not affected by hand sanitizer...c.diff for instance makes me terrified..:killingme and it is that way.

Washing your hands doesnt actually KILL any bacteria at all. it simply removes it from your hands..the soap breaks down the surface tension of the water and allows it to wash away things on your hands. This is why it is effective for is a mechanical removal and unaffected by mutations or the type of bacteria.

clorox wipes for the hands are likely overkill. But if those around you have been sick, a good clorox wipe down of common surfaces is helpful. Droplets generally are a danger for three feet around the person. so unless you HAVE to help them, stay three feet away.


aka Mrs. Giant
There are studies that show how a whole restaurant got infected with one persons vomit. Based on the spread it was not food based. Bleach helps,but plan on getting it. They make Monk wipes (ever see the show?).

Exactly. A spread like that is kind of scary. I have my bleach wipes ready. :lol:


Active Member
I'd say more like 36 hours - my daughter had it at the beginning of the week - she's done with the symptoms but is still kind of wiped out.


mama to two
I'd say more like 36 hours - my daughter had it at the beginning of the week - she's done with the symptoms but is still kind of wiped out.

Exactly, describes my daughter. She got sick Sat. night, and has been wiped out, also. She went to doc today because she had lower back pain, and thought she had a kidney infection. Doc said she was dehydrated, even though she thought she had kept up with liquids. Keeping hydrated is very important!


Felt that way for about a day and 1/2. Never :barf: but came close a couple times. Better today, but not 100%. I tried to stay hydrated, it was a challenge. Small amounts of warm ginger ale, and water was all I could tolerate.

Feel better soon!


Well-Known Member
Mini Me is :barf: :barf:

I've used the clorox wipes. My hands feel like sand paper, but if I don't :barf: it's worth the price of dry hands.