Stomach Issues


Starting Over
A question for the ladies, all week long I have had stomach pain. At times it has been really bad and other times not so bad. I can't eat, for everything I put on my stomach makes it hurt really bad. Sometimes the pain will shoot into my back and down to the female organs. I also have the hersey squirts with anything I eat. (YUK!!) I am thinking it maybe my gall bladder, but goodness the thought of having to have it out scares the sh!t out of me. Has anyone else had issues with the gall bladder and the symptoms I am having sound like it could be. I was in bed from the time I got home last night and barely made it into work today.

I have an appt. with the doc, but can't get in until next Tuesday and I sure don't feel like going to the hospital. TIA!!


Throwing the deuces
A question for the ladies, all week long I have had stomach pain. At times it has been really bad and other times not so bad. I can't eat, for everything I put on my stomach makes it hurt really bad. Sometimes the pain will shoot into my back and down to the female organs. I also have the hersey squirts with anything I eat. (YUK!!) I am thinking it maybe my gall bladder, but goodness the thought of having to have it out scares the sh!t out of me. Has anyone else had issues with the gall bladder and the symptoms I am having sound like it could be. I was in bed from the time I got home last night and barely made it into work today.

I have an appt. with the doc, but can't get in until next Tuesday and I sure don't feel like going to the hospital. TIA!!

Husband had the same symptoms with his gall bladder. Surgery was no big deal. Three little cuts for the instruments and he was good to go a few days later.


Well-Known Member
I had my gallbladder out last year. I was having severe pains right under/behind my sternum. It felt like someone was stabbing and twisting a knife. :dead: The pains would last for hours. Do you notice the pain when you eat fatty foods, or just any food? Your doctor will probably tell you it's an ulcer or indigestion, but if you don't think it's that, tell him you want an ultrasound for your gallbladder. The surgery is easy, and definitely worth it.


Starting Over
I had my gallbladder out last year. I was having severe pains right under/behind my sternum. It felt like someone was stabbing and twisting a knife. :dead: The pains would last for hours. Do you notice the pain when you eat fatty foods, or just any food? Your doctor will probably tell you it's an ulcer or indigestion, but if you don't think it's that, tell him you want an ultrasound for your gallbladder. The surgery is easy, and definitely worth it.

I haven't had anything to eat this morning and its hurting. Had a taco salad yesterday for lunch and boy was that a :nono:. The only thing I have had this morning is half of a 14oz coffee.


mv = margaritaville
Sounds like a gallbladder to me.

Had the same issues, couldn't eat always hurt. 8 months after I started having issues, got it taken out. Haven't had a problem since


New Member
I haven't had anything to eat this morning and its hurting. Had a taco salad yesterday for lunch and boy was that a :nono:. The only thing I have had this morning is half of a 14oz coffee.

You might want to call the Dr. back and see if they can fit you in sooner, or head over to the Er. Pain is your body's way of telling you something is wrong. If it is gallbladder, you don't want it to burst. If you bowel is twisted or perforated, the sooner you know the better. Good Luck and I hope you feel better soon.


New Member
I found this info on

The most common symptom of gallstones is pain in the stomach area or in the upper right part of the belly, under the ribs. The pain may:

Develop suddenly in the center of the upper belly and spread to the right upper back or shoulder blade area. It is usually hard to get comfortable; moving around does not make the pain go away.
Prevent you from taking normal or deep breaths.
Last 15 minutes to 24 hours; 1 to 5 hours of continuous pain is common.
Begin at night and be severe enough to wake you.
Occur after meals
There are many other conditions that cause similar symptoms, including heartburn, pain caused by a heart attack, and liver problems. Stomach flu (gastroenteritis) and food poisoning also can cause symptoms similar to gallstones.

Hope you feel better!:huggy:


Starting Over
Is it localized or just an all-over pain?

One spot, to the right of my rib cage. When the pain gets really intense, it will shoot to the middle of my back and down to the female organs. I am hunched over at my desk right now and that seems to be relieving some of the pain. Normally I freeze during the day at work, I have the fan a blowing on me because I am so hot....


I would make a trip to the er now and not mess around. that is just me though as I don't play around when I am in pain. Or better yet take a trip out the gate to urgent care they will get you in faster than sitting in the er will do.


Well-Known Member
One spot, to the right of my rib cage. When the pain gets really intense, it will shoot to the middle of my back and down to the female organs. I am hunched over at my desk right now and that seems to be relieving some of the pain. Normally I freeze during the day at work, I have the fan a blowing on me because I am so hot....

:huggy: Good luck. It's awful, but surgery is so worth it. Drinking hot liquids seemed to ease the pain a bit....oh, and the percocet helped too. :smile:


Active Member
Had my gallbladder out years big deal it's band-aid surgery. They literally put band-aids on the cuts. BUT do not mess around with this because if you wait too long they will not be able to do the surgery this way. Go to the ER they will do a sonogram to see if it your gallbladder. They will also give you something for the pain until surgery is scheduled. I compare the pain to child labor sometimes it was even worse than that. Good luck and hope you feel better soon!


Starting Over
Went to the ER Thursday and the gallbladder is good. They refered me to a GI doctor to get a scope ran down my throat to check my stomach out. Still not able to eat, everything I eat makes my stomach hurt. Went out with a girlfriend last night, had 3 bites of my steak, couple bites of bake potato and couldn't get anymore. Today so far I haven't had a thing to eat. Scare to eat anything, but am drinking plenty.


You could have a stomach ulcer. When I had one i could barely eat I lost some weight too. I went to the doctors and they put me on stuff for it and haven't had a problem since as I still take meds to keep the stomach acid down etc. I went to he I think is the only gastro doctor in the county that I know of if you find someone else please let me know.