Stoneys Sunday around 3ish


In My Opinion
Brooms Island
Pan Lady and I are going to go down to have an early dinner and listen to my friend Jake play.
Jesus Just Left Chicago - Big Money Band - YouTube

Jake works at IntegrityH2o (brother in laws business) where I close out for them at night.
anyone interested in coming down and having something eat, maybe an ice tea?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Brooms Island
Pan Lady and I are going to go down to have an early dinner and listen to my friend Jake play.
Jesus Just Left Chicago - Big Money Band - YouTube

Jake works at IntegrityH2o (brother in laws business) where I close out for them at night.
anyone interested in coming down and having something eat, maybe an ice tea?

We've got a lot going on here - but we might be able to make it over there! Thing 1 has some stuff going on today, but we might be done at 3:30. Thing2 is sick with a fever and no other symptoms except achiness and low to no appetite. Fever went up to 102.6 this am, so I called his Doctor's on-call line just to run it by them. Dr. said it sounds like a viral thing & just do the normal stuff: fluids, rest, ibuprofen and bring him in tomorrow if he's worse.

I need to get busy with some things around the house, but I can text Pan Lady later on to let her know...


Active Member
We'll be down that way and may try to stop by...Do you know the guitar player or the singer?


In My Opinion
We'll be down that way and may try to stop by...Do you know the guitar player or the singer?

Guitar player, Jake.
Never met the singer,, but from listening to the video clips, Im pretty sure it might not be a totally terrible thing to replace the singer.


Active Member
Guitar player, Jake.
Never met the singer,, but from listening to the video clips, Im pretty sure it might not be a totally terrible thing to replace the singer.

I wasn't going to say that is he was your friend....:whistle:


Well-Known Member
bcp, your friend can really jam on that guit box he sounds good, singer may be the weakest link, however can't really tell just by one live song.