Stopping the auto load graphic ads?


PREMO Member
apparently this Italian Security Group sat for 3? yrs on a security hole ... exploiting it for their own benefit'

I will be glad when JAVA, Flash and Active X are consigned to the ash bin of History ...


Well-Known Member
Yes, there is. Download Adblock Plus and install it into your browser. There is also an added benefit because adware usually comes with malware and you don't have to do anything for malware to install itself on your computer these days. It is better to use these than to give adware a chance to infect your computer.

Yeah. Do what Chuck said. It's an add-on for Firefox. It will appear on the top right of your toolbar once installed and indicated by a stop sign symbol w/ letters "ABP".

Does ABP work with Google/Google Chrome?

I was on another forum this morning which is full of ads, that slow down the whole forum experience. My anti-virus, kept chiming in that it had detected malware through Google Chrome and the site? Ideas?