Strongest sanctions EVER!!!! (with exceptions)


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PREMO Member
But mostly Russian citizens will take it in the shorts. What'd they do? They didn't invade anyone, but rest assured they'll be hit hardest.

You want to stop Putin? Kill him. Sanctions just a strongly worded letter so a weak leader can look like he's doing something, while behind the scenes it's business as usual.
I agree. The citizens will be the pawns that suffer the actions of the king. As far as killing him, given today's intel and surveillance I doubt our politically motivated three letter agencies would/could pull it off. Watching them is reminiscent of the Keystone Cops. They would be caught and get us in an underground war of assassinations.


Well-Known Member
Remember when democrats and the media all laughed at Mitt Romney for calling Russia America's #1 enemy? Called him out of touch, living in the cold war era. Wonder who has the last laugh now?
Joe doesn't want to make Baby AOC stroke out.
You did hear, Kerry's response to the invasion today, right?

"There will be massive emissions consequences to the war but equally and importantly, you're going to lose people's focus, you're going to lose, certainly big country attention because they will be diverted and I think it could have a damaging impact," Kerry said during a recent interview with the BBC. "Hopefully President Putin would realize that in the northern part of his country they used to live on 66 percent of a nation that was over frozen land, now it's thawing and his infrastructure is at risk and the people of Russia are at risk. I hope President Putin will help us stay on track with respect for what we need to do on climate."