Stupid mother


Baby blues
vraiblonde said:
What I have now is a catastrophic policy that covers me in the event of chronic illness or serious accident. I pay all dental, vision and regular doctor visits out of pocket. It's a heck of a lot cheaper than a full-coverage plan.

Make sure that policy NEVER lapses if you get a chronic illness or anything like that. My husband is uninsurable due to Crohn's Disease. He didn't have insurance, because he couldn't afford it, when he was diagnosed with it. It took 5 years to pay the surgery bill. Now he can't get insurance if it involves a medical questionnaire. He's automatically denied.


Lem Putt
The reason Walmart doesn't have good insurance is that they can fill the jobs without it. This is called a free market, and that's what our economy is based on.

If the state legislature actually cared about the people, they would have made this law applicable to more than 17,000 people. Why such a high number?

I believe in exempting small business from certain requirements, but 10,000? This shows they are singling out one company.

Does anyone think this will actually help even one employee? Here's what they'll do: break their organization in Maryland into two smaller companies, owned by the corporate parent, like "Walmart of Maryland" and Sam's club of Maryland."

Suppose this does go into effect. If this raises the cost of doing business by 10%, do you think Walmart is just going to eat that cost? They'll cut back on the number of employees and raise prices. Who does that help?

My solution: If you don't like the benefits, don't work there. If they have a hard time filling jobs, they will have to improve the benefits. A company has no obligation to their employees. Their only obligation is to their share holders. A well run business will have a compensation package, including benefits, that keeps jobs filled. If they spend one penny beyond that, they are losing money.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
My solution: If you don't like the benefits, don't work there. If they have a hard time filling jobs, they will have to improve the benefits.
Stop making sense, you conservative :smack:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tinkerbell said:
My husband is uninsurable due to Crohn's Disease. He didn't have insurance, because he couldn't afford it, when he was diagnosed with it. It took 5 years to pay the surgery bill. Now he can't get insurance if it involves a medical questionnaire. He's automatically denied.
This is another problem with health insurance - getting coverage if you need it and getting them to pay up after you use it.

Larry brought up something this morning when I was discussing this thread with him:

What if we Socialized catastrophic illness and major medical, and completely did away with anything else as an entitlement or benefit?

If someone comes down with cancer, or gets hit by a car, our taxes pick up the cost with maybe a small deductible (based on income, perhaps?). Routine doctor visits and crap like that, you're on your own. We could also offer a certain treatment for illnesses, etc, and if you want more or better, you pay out of pocket.

I haven't really thought about it a whole lot, but curious what you all think? Give me the drawbacks.


ylexot said:
I hope all companies eliminate health care benefits.

I would agree with you.

PROVIDED that my taxes are either lowered, or I'm allowed to pay for my own insurance before taxes gut whatever is left of my paycheck.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Tinkerbell said:
Make sure that policy NEVER lapses if you get a chronic illness or anything like that. My husband is uninsurable due to Crohn's Disease. He didn't have insurance, because he couldn't afford it, when he was diagnosed with it. It took 5 years to pay the surgery bill. Now he can't get insurance if it involves a medical questionnaire. He's automatically denied.
How does HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) play into this? I thought that a person with an pre-existing condition could only be excluded for up to 18 months before full benefit came into effect.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
This will give Wal*Mart a reason to close the less profitable stores or the stores where theft or vandalism is greatest. Bye bye downtown Baltimore and the poorer side of town stores.

All insurance is too much. Look at the most profitable companies in the United States, insurance companies are among them. And insurance companies own some of the most highly prized real estate in the U.S.; Trans-America building, Hancock Building, New York Life. They don't buy or build buildings like that with peanuts.

I don't think government should have ever been or should be in the business of providing medical, life, flood, or any insurance type benefits. Every time government messes with the free market, they screw it up. Look at when the cost of health care skyrocketed. It was when Medicare was first instituted. People didn't have to care what it cost and doctors saw a way to get more money since it was not coming from the patients anyway. The money comes from the government. Doctors used to have reasonable rates and would make allowances for those that had limited income. It was one way a doctor was part of the community. Now doctors have LLC or some other non medical initials after their name and it is all about business and not really the care of someone they know and care about, their neighbors. Health care has become an impersonal business and nothing more.

When will the politicians figure out government does not have any money of its own? All money a government has comes from the citizens or consumers in one way or another.