This Space for Rent
I disagree with this action completely...
Google and any other business which opens a subsidiary in another country must respect that countries laws and beliefs in order to perform business there. China is the ultimate market. Google is doing what it has to in order to garner a huge market which leads to bigger revenues. This is no place for Washington to get involved. American companies have been making enormous gains into the Chinese market over the past five years. We don't want to stifle that over a non-issue. The end result of making Google or other companies not abide by what China wants for their people is China choosing other non-American controlled companies and giving up a huge share of business. It is not the job of our businesses to enforce American policy overseas unless it is over *real* issues (i.e. sanctions, criminal states, etc...). On the whole, American companies actually work toward the changes most people want anyway... just by being there.
In addition, China has come a long way toward opening up. Why put anything in place to hinder that process from continuing? We are talking about censorship in a country that has long been even more censored. We are not talking about Google taking part in gross human rights violations.
Google and any other business which opens a subsidiary in another country must respect that countries laws and beliefs in order to perform business there. China is the ultimate market. Google is doing what it has to in order to garner a huge market which leads to bigger revenues. This is no place for Washington to get involved. American companies have been making enormous gains into the Chinese market over the past five years. We don't want to stifle that over a non-issue. The end result of making Google or other companies not abide by what China wants for their people is China choosing other non-American controlled companies and giving up a huge share of business. It is not the job of our businesses to enforce American policy overseas unless it is over *real* issues (i.e. sanctions, criminal states, etc...). On the whole, American companies actually work toward the changes most people want anyway... just by being there.
In addition, China has come a long way toward opening up. Why put anything in place to hinder that process from continuing? We are talking about censorship in a country that has long been even more censored. We are not talking about Google taking part in gross human rights violations.