Suffering in Silence


Wow, open mindedness! I love it. So often abuse is alleged and the mental Lifetime movie of the week starts playing in everyone's head where the completely innocent June Cleaver is getting slapped around by a monster. Little thought is given to the fact that domestic abuse claims are often used as leverage and manipulation by people who are less that truthful because we have been conditioned to be instantaneously sympathetic to the women making the claim.

Slapping your bitch up should be never be a course of action. Leave first.
Slapping your bitch up should be never be a course of action. Leave first.
That advice works if she choses a somewhat normal man, but if she pairs up with another nutso than all gloves are off and it becomes a slapfest until at some point someone dies or gets put away.


I bowl overhand
Someone who repeatedly chooses to be with people who are a bad fit, for whatever reason, has to look to themselves first before saying that it is "the other person".

Why does this person consistently make bad decisions when electing to be with these people? Maybe it's him, and not her. Maybe it's her, and not him.

I'm always skeptical of hearing that someone was abused, because it is so easy to lie about, particularly when it is a recurring issue.

Is making me eat good food, and spoiling me rotten a form of abuse??


Hot Flash
I learned recently that someone who said she had been abused was actually the one doing the abusing.

It's a shame we have a double standard and tend to believe the weak helpless women. :frown:

You know, I always forget about this thing, and I don't always understand all the jargon, but this is a very useful and handy tool to give you an idea about the people you interact with.
Maryland Judiciary Case Search

My son took the keys to my car and drove to the church around the corner and hid while he called 911. HE was in fear of his and my life.

I called in my son for stealing my car trying to protetect our lives. I was stupid.

Believe it or not it's true.

My son heard him screaming he was going to kill me and get out of his house. He took (son) the keys in hand (after seeing the gun on the nightstand) and he fled.

Good kid?

I was a bad mother for ever putting him there.
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Well-Known Member
My son took the keys to my car and drove to the church around the corner and hid while he called 911. HE was in fear of his and my life.

I called in my son for stealing my car trying to protect my life. I was stupid.

Believe it or not it's true.

My son heard him screaming he was going to kill me and get out of his house. He took the keys in hand (after seeing the gun on the nightstand) and he fled.

Good kid?

I was a bad mother for ever putting him there.

I'm confused (again). Didn't your son stay with your supposed abusive ex-hubby when you moved down here? :confused:


Hot Flash
I'm confused (again). Didn't your son stay with your supposed abusive ex-hubby when you moved down here? :confused:

You are not confused. He was a great dad and after three girls, he wanted a son. Our relationship went to crap after that.

He is still a great dad.


Hot Flash
I'm confused (again). Didn't your son stay with your supposed abusive ex-hubby when you moved down here? :confused:

Yes. He was with me every other weekend and all summer and every holiday. I kept him in the best school he could be in.
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Routinely Derailed
the cycle

You feel guilty, you get drunk to easy your pain, then you cause pain to those around you by abusing them, then wake up sober and guilty so you have to ease your pain by getting drunk and numb again.

Stop the cycle

Good answer! Spoken as one who knows.


Routinely Derailed
That says more about her than it does about her men friends.

Very close to the truth, I think. But as in most relationships, it takes two to tango. We can choose how to react to things people say or do. And wise people know when to quit. This adds new meaning to the phrase, "Discretion is the better part of valor." This amplifies Pete's remark about leaving before things get too bad.


Routinely Derailed
It's not about the truth for them. They don't care who they hurt with their lies. It's all about the attention and pity they can get. ........

They manipulate and use others and in the process ruin lives, because they honestly don't care about anybody or anyone but themselves.

True enough. At the root of it is insecurity, I think.

People seek to adjust their environments to meet their needs, and at least some will try to adjust the thinking and actions of people in their environment as well, for the same objective. If you get two people trying to do the same thing to each other at the same time, the result is pretty ugly.