Sugar Hole Apartments?


New Member
MDTerps said:
Hopefully times have changed since I lived in one of the apartments back in 1995. Roaches and mice. We lived there for about 2 months and packed up b/c they, meaning the Bailey's, wouldn't do anything about it. I lost my deposit but I really didn't give a crap.

ugh gross!!


All Up In Your Grill
ashliekay711 said:
i saw the ad on here for those, but i don't know where Thomas court is. lol

If you're coming from Clements, go up the hill and it's on the left, just after Grampton Road, but right before Oakley Road. It's called Downs Drive, but you bear to the left onto Thomas Court.


nachomama said:
If you're coming from Clements, go up the hill and it's on the left, just after Grampton Road, but right before Oakley Road. It's called Downs Drive, but you bear to the left onto Thomas Court.

or go straight and end up in the woods... great hill to go down on a bike, big-wheel, or shopping cart... not that I've done any of those... :whistle:


All Up In Your Grill
maylinduplantis said:
or go straight and end up in the woods... great hill to go down on a bike, big-wheel, or shopping cart... not that I've done any of those... :whistle:

Maybe you didn't, but my kids did. :killingme
But nomo was the one in the cart. :yay:


what cha talkin' bout?
watercolor said:
As far as I know- none of those are vacant either. Wouldn't hurt to call though. And I have NEVER heard of anything being unpleasant there. My inlaws live right across from them also.

yes, two apartments are open and i've seen the guy on the golf cart but haven't heard him singing. :whistle: