suggestions for newbie to Maryland


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scarecreaux said:
I just moved here from New Orleans. Since it is mostly tropical there I am sure I will have to find a whole new list of plants as favorites for my yard. Does anyone have any suggestions or links where I could find a large array of suitable plants for the Maryland region? Anything will be appreciated as I will be planting in containers on the deck as well as beds in the yard.
Soil in Southern Maryland is more acid than closer to DC, so acid-loving plants will do well - azaleas, evergreens, shrubs, rhododendrons, holly trees - which is why so many of them can be seen growing wild all over here. Also, the local nurseries can give you a good idea of how to treat the soil for grass and flowers - most of the time, they tell me a 10-10-10 mixture is best.

If you're growing stuff in containers though, it probably doesn't matter. It's not tropical here, but you'd be amazed at how stifling and muggy it can get here once spring is here. I always say, it helps to remember that Washington used to be a *swamp*.