Super Bowl Commercials


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
We forgot to mention the guy being interviewed on Bourbon St who was told to shout out for his team and he said, "E! A! G! E! L! S!"



Just sneakin' around....
Apparently, big social media news is Taylor Swift getting booed while Trump gets cheered.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Apparently, big social media news is Taylor Swift getting booed while Trump gets cheered.
I think the vast majority of the fans were from Philly, so of course TayTay was going to get booed. Hell, the Chiefs got booed when they came out of the tunnel.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Yeah, this morning I'm seeing the social media posts from the (very youngest) Millenials claim that those who didn't like (the Boomers/GenX-ers) the Halftime show are "out of touch". :lmao: :bigwhoop:

"Just because you aren’t aware of how culturally significant last nights Super Bowl Halftime show was doesn’t mean it isn’t good - it means you’re out of touch"

"It’s amusing how so many messages flew right over people's heads! Amazing job Kendrick"

"If you’re wondering who the half time show was for, it was for me. Just me. And Kendrick did great. Glad he did all that for me, sorry you didn’t enjoy it friends!"


I missed the cultural significance of it all, for sure. 🤷 (I sent a text to Thing2 to get his take on it. He probably didn't watch it, though. :lol: : )


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Report from Thing2, (who was born in 1996, but identifies MORE with the Millenials than the Gen Z-ers) about the FB Half-Time show:

"I didn't watch it"

...and when I said that I apparently was out of touch with the Hip-hoppers since I missed the symbolism of the show, he said "I couldn't care less about them".

Which is probably because he has been a metal fan since late middle school. I've never even heard of some of those bands he listens to and goes to see. :twitch:

He amuses me all the time! :lmao: