Super Group


New Member
Is this ok for an 11-year old to watch? :confused:

He DVR'ed it, why? I don't know. It comes back on several times this weekend, but I haven't had a chance to review it.

My son plays guitar, and he is already pestering for a more expensive guitar. I thought $300 was insane for one, but as I am finding out, I got off easy. :faint:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pandora said:
Is this ok for an 11-year old to watch?
Mmmm...probably. There's a lot of blipped out language (because it IS a bunch of Monsters of Rock) and they went to a strip club (but nothing really bad - more suggestive than anything). Much tamer than WWE, in my opinion.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Pandora said:
Is this ok for an 11-year old to watch? :confused:

He DVR'ed it, why? I don't know. It comes back on several times this weekend, but I haven't had a chance to review it.

My son plays guitar, and he is already pestering for a more expensive guitar. I thought $300 was insane for one, but as I am finding out, I got off easy. :faint: is NOT alright for an 11 year old.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Why do you say that? I didn't think it was that bad. :shrug:
It's defined in the absolute separation of powers of television monitoring. :biggrin:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...the show is fascinating if you're interested in the inner workings of bands.

Typically, you have a leader, as in Nugent or Madonna, or a pair, Lennon/McCartney or Jaggar/Richards or Stephen Tyler/Joe Perry that make a band go. There can only be one lead dog, so to speak, or the sled goes in too many directions, thus going nowhere.

So, the premise is great; throw a bunch of lead dogs together for a long enough time to write a few songs, watch the sparks fly and put on a show but a short enough time for it to not fall apart or kill each other.

Now, deciding to throw in a manager and publicists to this mix is interesting because the LAST thing this group needs is a publicist and a manager. They could set up in a parking lot unannounced and draw a crowd with NO songs, just jamming, so, there is ZERO issue in promoting this thing.

The obvious goal in adding extraneous people is to add friction.

As far as the band itself, Nugent does basic bread and butter blues based rock and roll, loudly.

The drummer, John Bonhams, of Led Zep fame, kid, seems like he will have no problem with Teds or anyone else's style. Everyone knows who he is; he is a 'known' guy.

Scott Ian, the other guitar player, is a thrash metal guy but worshipped Ted as a kid and will have ZERO problem doing things Teds way, in fact will be happy to. Scott is 'known'.

The bass player, Evan Seinfeld, is unknown to Nugent and is in fact the smallest potatoe in the sack. It doesn't seem like Bonham knows who he is either. Scott and Sebastian do, as Evans band, Biohazard, is in their realm of heavier/thrash metal music.

Evan, after what I've watched, has a serious inferiority complex thing, hanging with these guys, going on. He feels the need to pizz all over the sound guy to make himself feel better. He also feels the need to describe what Ted is doing as 'dated' as though the oldest guy, by far, in the group is going to be doing cutting edge stuff. "Dated" is a term people use when they are audience oriented as opposed to product oriented. Fashion desingers use terms like 'dated'.

Sebastian Bach seems to be in heaven with all of this, liking both Evan and Ted. He is also a known person.

So, this will be interesting. I have no idea how many songs they wanna put together but they should be able to pull off maybe 6 or so, musically, if they keep it simple. Lyrics, they'll be lucky to do two or three.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...and where is my wife?

For an 11 year old?
I didn't think it was that bad. I'd have probably let Doug watch it when he was 11 :shrug:

My take:

Nugent has played in a supergroup before with other lead dogs. He certainly can collaborate and not make it all about "his" sound - Damn Yankees wasn't a "Nugent sound". But Ted sucks the air out of a room with his aggressiveness.

Evan WhatsHisFace is a jerk and he's going to be the biggest problem. The rest of these guys are done with the rock idol crap, with the groupies and drugs. Evan is still a puppy and wants to screw around. He's going to stomp off next episode and I'm not surprised.

Bonham is laid back - no problems there. He just sits there at his drums and waits for the divas to stop peeing on the carpet.

Scott Ian doesn't seem to have ego issues either, so he's going to be no problem.

Sebastian is an obnoxious maniac - almost as bad as Ted. Plus he's undisciplined, like Evan. Both make better rock stars than band members.

But they WILL put out a great song - you watch. :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
No you would not have...

I'd have probably let Doug watch it when he was 11

...and you know it. When he was 14 wrestling was starting to go over the top with the suggestiveness and language. Val Venus? Remember?

As for the group, I have low, VERY low expectations for the music, so, we'll see.
Funny to watch. Today's 11 year olds see/hear/do worse at school than they'll see in the show. OK for him to watch, as long as YOU are there to watch it with him.

Evan is an idiot.
The other 4 ROCK!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

huntr1 said:
Funny to watch. Today's 11 year olds see/hear/do worse at school than they'll see in the show. OK for him to watch, as long as YOU are there to watch it with him.

Evan is an idiot.
The other 4 ROCK!

...but I like the idea of the kids knowing that there are limits with the idea that they learn to make judgments. Yes, this or that happens on the bus or school but YOU can't do it at home and I better not hear about you doing it.