Support Joe Wilson.....


Main Streeter
As a supposed mover and shaker in the Democratic Party of St. Mary's (he has tried to be a Democrat delegate) you really ought to clean your act up and at least learn the language.

There's nothing wrong with my "act". A misspelling now and then does not constitute lack of knowledge of the language.


Habari Na Mijeldi
Wilson Opponent Reaches 1 Million

"Iraq War veteran Rob Miller, the Democratic candidate against Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC), has officially passed the $1 million mark in fundraising in the time since Wilson's "You lie!" outburst during President Obama's speech to Congress.

Iraq War veteran Rob Miller, the Democratic candidate against Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC), has officially passed the $1 million mark in fundraising in the time since Wilson's "You lie!" outburst during President Obama's speech to Congress.

The Miller campaign has just made the announcement of his big haul, which came from over 25,000 individual contributors. "We will put this generous support to work to restore common-sense leadership to Washington, create jobs, and stand up for men and women in uniform," Miller said in the press release."

More at source:Wilson Opponent Rob Miller Raises $1 Million Since "You Lie!" Incident; GOP Says $700,000 For Wilson | TPMDC


I bowl overhand
"Iraq War veteran Rob Miller, the Democratic candidate against Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC), has officially passed the $1 million mark in fundraising in the time since Wilson's "You lie!" outburst during President Obama's speech to Congress.

Iraq War veteran Rob Miller, the Democratic candidate against Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC), has officially passed the $1 million mark in fundraising in the time since Wilson's "You lie!" outburst during President Obama's speech to Congress.

The Miller campaign has just made the announcement of his big haul, which came from over 25,000 individual contributors. "We will put this generous support to work to restore common-sense leadership to Washington, create jobs, and stand up for men and women in uniform," Miller said in the press release."

More at source:Wilson Opponent Rob Miller Raises $1 Million Since "You Lie!" Incident; GOP Says $700,000 For Wilson | TPMDC

Does it say how much came from outside the US borders.. canadian Union members?? Saudi Arabia?? Caling a fellow Muslim a liar probably loosened their purse strings a little.


NOT Politically Correct!!
He didn't apologize!

"I followed the orders of Republican leadership and apologized."

-Joe Wilson, responding to questions concerning his hypocritical apology to the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, September 2009.

Pelosi called the CIA Liars, whens her apology? At least Wilson spoke the truth about Obama. You fools are attacking his apology but not attacking what he said as being false. Progressive fools... :coffee:


No Use for Donk Twits


New Member
"We will put this generous support to work to restore common-sense leadership to Washington, create jobs, and stand up for men and women in uniform,"

That must mean he will support the Wilson campaign with the money.
Copmmon sense leadership is what we need all right. We sure arent getting it when we try to borrow our way out of debt.


Lovin' being Texican
The National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) has canceled a planned January conference in South Carolina, where Wilson is a representative, and joined an economic boycott of the Palmetto State started 10 years ago by the state NAACP in protest of the confederate flag waving from the Statehouse grounds.

Must not be a very effective 10-year boycott if the Darker Publishers' Group originally planned their convention there, huh?


NOT Politically Correct!!
"CNN's Joe Johns apparently decided that their viewers didn't need to know just how much money has been raised for Rep. Joe Wilson's opponent for his House seat in 2010 during this segment from AC360. While it is true that Rob Miller raised $200,000 overnight, at the time this segment aired, Miller was already right about at the half million mark, and it's now pushing $700,000 and rising. :yahoo:

If he hits a million in a day or two maybe these guys will be forced to finally report it.

If you'd like to help that happen you can donate to Rob Miller here

Video & text at source: CNN Misrepresents How Much Money Was Raised for Joe Wilson's Opponent Rob Miller | Video Cafe

And one of your Butt Boyz... :killingme

Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd appears to have looked everywhere but his home state to fuel what pundits anticipate will be one of the most hotly contested races in the nation in 2010.

The five-term incumbent reported raising just $4,250 from five Connecticut residents during the first three months of the year while raking in $604,745 from nearly 400 individuals living outside the state.

While incumbents often turn to special interests for early campaign fundraising, Dodd's out-of-state total seems unusually high and comes at a time when he has been plagued by poor approval ratings among state voters. [me - ya think?]

Circling the Drain: Only 5 Connecticut Residents Donate to Dodd on The Patriot Room