Supporting Al Gore


New Member
I hate the assertion that Democrats are not for the comman man. Come on, that is like saying the Nazis liked Jews. In 2000, which party presented a candidate that proposed middle-class tax cuts? Not the Republican, he thought that the top one percent needed a tax cut while the rest of us receive a pittance. While Bill Gates could get a new Mercedes, I could only get a muffler for my used buick. Under Gore's plan I would have received immediate tax relief while under Bush we all have to wait ten years. Who fought for the people against the powerful? Al Gore. Who fought against the drug companies and the large corporations that use common laborers? Al Gore. Who meanwhile was an oil executive most of his professional career? George W. Bush. Whose fundraising mainly came from drug, insurance, and oil companies? George W. Bush. Who believed that the rich should govern over the common? George W. Bush. Don't tell me that the Repubs fight for comman men because they most definitely do not.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I hate the assertion that Democrats are not for the comman man. Come on, that is like saying the Nazis liked Jews.
Please, Dems. That is just some BS you read somewhere - I've read it a thousand times and every time I ask the author to explain what they mean by that, I never hear from them again. :duh

While Bill Gates could get a new Mercedes, I could only get a muffler for my used buick.
So are you, by any chance, saying that all people should make the same amount of money regardless of skill, education or effort? *she licks her chops in anticipation*


Originally posted by demsformd
1) Who fought for the people against the powerful? Al Gore. 2)Who fought against the drug companies and the large corporations that use common laborers? Al Gore.

1 Please give me an example
2 Please give me an example

I never said the Republicans did any better at any of these issues. Can you actually answer a f-ing question without comparing the democrats to the republicans? Its like saying this turd doesnt smell as bad as that turd, for christsakes turds are not a good thing even if one turd isnt as smelly as the other. This is exactly what is wrong with politics they are too concerned with trashing the other guy to actually tackle an issue. They are too concerned with disagreeing with the other party to actually think about things.

I have basically given up on voting for someone that can help me, now I vote for whoever hurts me the least.

Seems that the harder one works the more the democrats want to take from you and give to someone who claims to be opressed somehow by people like me.

I work 60 hours a week to pay back my student loans, to pay for my new car, to pay for the things that I want out of life only to have someone tell me that I have them because I had some sort of advantage over someone else. I take great offense at that, my dad was on his own since he was 15 without a pot to piss in, worked his ### off his whole life to provide for my mom and me. He helped me pay for college some but I payed alot myself by taking out loand and working a part time job. In this part time job I didnt get the supervisor position basically because I was white, but I ended up doing the work because the guy they hired for it never showed up for work. I went to class, did my homework and did good in classes and EARNED my way into graduate school only to have people tell me that I was there because I had some sort of advantage. I worked hard in graduate school getting my tuition payed for by being a teaching and research assistant, did well in my classes and got a good job. Then I see people get hired into the same job that cant speak a damn word of English because we needed be more diverse, not hire the best person for the job.

Im sorry but most of the democratic party has lost all common sense and touch with normal people. They appeal to elitists such as celebrities, out of touch academics, and just about every special interest group out there that claims to be opressed by people like me. I have never opressed anyone in my life and now I have people telling me that I got "rich" off the enslavement of their ancestors even though my ancestors were not in this country until the 1880's. The democratic party for the most part is so out of touch with reality that it needs a kick in the pants to knock some common sense into it.


New Member
Fancy meeting you here Demsformd. Just wondering, when exactly it was that you last thought for yourself? Anyone who lets a "party" do his thinking is sadly lacking. Lacking morals, ideals, ethics,A BRAIN! Please! Stop cutting and pasteing information you find on the DU and just get real! For cripes sake I'm brand new and I can see your need for a kick in the pants!


endangered species
To: lazy, cheap shot artists

You guys are the ones who said dems are not for common people. YOU prove your point.


Demsformd, I always love how you guys are so quick to berate Republicans for being pro-business. What do you think provides Americans with jobs, goods, drugs, etc.? Greenpeace? NGLA? NOW? These organizations offer some good ideas, but they do not generate jobs.

I just wish Dems would realize one of the core truths of life: You Can't Beat Business. You guys think that doing things like raising the minimum wage is such a great thing, but every minimum wage increase is followed by a cost of living increase since there is now more money available and the costs of goods has gone up. You think you find justice in fining companies for real and imagined offenses, but the companies just pass those costs along to customers. Screwing companies is a lot like trying to nail jell-o to a wall.

The Dems are the party of the people who need the government to survive... they are the Handout party. These people are not the common man. The comman man needs a good job, needs good schools, needs good healthcare, and wants goods and services. Being against businesses, drug companies, and for the people who are trashing the public school system runs directly opposite the needs of the common man, and that's where the Dems are... 180 degrees out from what the common man wants and that's why you guys got your clocks cleaned earlier this month.:biggrin:


endangered species
Apologies Dems- jumping in here..

Originally posted by Bruzilla
Demsformd, I always love how you guys are so quick to berate Republicans for being pro-business. What do you think provides Americans with jobs, goods, drugs, etc.? Greenpeace? NGLA? NOW? These organizations offer some good ideas, but they do not generate jobs.

It's not all or nothing. We can have both. We have seen over and over again how corporations will often abuse their power if left unchecked (California energy crisis). Besides, Greenpeace provides jobs by forcing companies to act more responsibly- more safety inspectors, pollution equipment, etc!

QUOTE]Originally posted by Bruzilla

I just wish Dems would realize one of the core truths of life: You Can't Beat Business. You guys think that doing things like raising the minimum wage is such a great thing, but every minimum wage increase is followed by a cost of living increase since there is now more money available and the costs of goods has gone up. You think you find justice in fining companies for real and imagined offenses, but the companies just pass those costs along to customers. Screwing companies is a lot like trying to nail jell-o to a wall.

So what are you saying? No minimum wage? If companies are left alone, there will be plenty of jobs and plenty of income for everybody? Are the repubs doing this better than the dems?

So let's see, no minimum wage increase, companies get tax breaks to invest in automation (eliminating jobs), but they move the company to mexico anyway. The company shows a loss because the tax protected investment is a liability, so they pay no taxes, and the CEO gets a huge bonus, which he invests overseas to avoid taxes on that. Many companies do this, but because there is so much unemployment and poverty, nobody can afford their stuff. Some go out of business, losing more jobs, the rest hang on until the Democrats are re-elected so we can get the economy straightened out.

QUOTE]Originally posted by Bruzilla

... The comman man needs a good job, needs good schools, needs good healthcare, and wants goods and services. Being against businesses, drug companies, and for the people who are trashing the public school system runs directly opposite the needs of the common man, and that's where the Dems are... 180 degrees out from what the common man wants and that's why you guys got your clocks cleaned earlier this month.

Dems are not against business. We ALL want business to thrive. Dem's just don't want consumers crushed in the corporate "obligation to the investors" steamroller. What do YOU think was happening at Enron, Global Crossing, WorldCom, GE, et al? They big shots were ripping off us "consumers" and making themselves wealthy. The "trickle down" never happened. What makes you think poor people are more greedy than wealthy people?

Good jobs don't come from giving tax breaks to corporations when nobody can afford to buy any more than they already are. Good jobs come (when the supply exceeds the demand) from creating a little wealth at the consumer end- they buy more, companies have to produce more, they hire, etc.

Prices MAY go up a little because of the minimum wage, but I doubt it. Think about minimum wage jobs- McDonalds, who else? Chicken pluckers? Janitors? Waiters? Most companies could raise prices 1 cent to cover the increase in cost (my opinion). But that extra 10 or 20 bucks a week to a minimum wage worker would probably be very helpful- and immediately get spent.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Re: Apologies Dems- jumping in here..

Originally posted by MGKrebs
... the rest hang on until the Democrats are re-elected so we can get the economy straightened out....
:lmao: :roflmao: :lmao: :roflmao: :lmao:

Thanks MG! You made my day. :biggrin:


endangered species

My entire existence is based around making sure you are happy. (Unlike conservatives, whose only goal is to make THEMSELVES happy)!

:smile: :biggrin: :cool: :dance: :dance: :dude: :getdown: :peace: :roflmao: :banana:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Re: Kyle,

Originally posted by MGKrebs
...(Unlike conservatives, whose only goal is to make THEMSELVES happy)!...

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness! Yep! That's what it's all about.


Of course for you and our Leftist friends... Make that Welfare, Submission and the Pursuit of Depravity!:cheers:


You're living in denial MGK. :biggrin: Why do you think all of these companies our bailing out to Mexico? High wages, extraordinary regulations, taxes??? All things that the Dems are all about. Like I said... you guys need to learn that you can't squeeze big business... there is always an out for them.

I don't want you to violate any sacred oaths or pledges, but what exactly is the Dem's plan for growing the economy?


endangered species
You know as well as I do

that the dems don't have a plan. That's why they (we) lost. We have a philosophy, but evidently not a plan.

But I thought this discussion was about how repubs are for the common man. When are you going to stop evading the issue and tell us how?

Raising the minimum wage 25 ot 50 cents isn't going to drive a company to Mexico. High wages to other workers certainly might, but that is neither a liberal or conservative problem. It just has to do with our standard of living.

And taxes? Sure, the disparity in US to Mexico's taxes might be a big issue for companies (not sure). But are you saying that we should reduce our corporate tax rates to Mexico's level? How about Bangladesh? Haiti? How low do we gotta go?

Inquiring minds want to know.


The real money saved by buisnesses moving to mexico is in the social security contribution, insurance, much lesser enviromental restrictions (not saying we should dump toxic waste but we just cant compete with a country that dont care), lesser saftey restrictions etc

If you can do it in America you can do it cheaper in Mexico, if you cant do it in America most likely you can do it in Mexico.


New Member
Ok, Democrats are for the average man. Believe it! Bush proposed tax cuts for the corporations like Enron while Democrats support tax breaks for college tuition, those with children, immediate tax refunds, tax cuts for the bottom two income brackets. We support the people every time that we push safer workplace condition laws, lower amounts of arsenic in the water, positive economic stimulus that will create jobs. Let's take a look at the numbers...
President Reagan and his "pro-business" actions created 1.8 million jobs during eight years while tax revenues suffered and the tax burden was placed on the middle class. President Clinton however produced double that number in only four years. The tax burden was taken off the middle class and the rich once again pulled their weight. Also, the federal debt was erased in the late 1990s only to be recreated by another Republican.
We are not the party of handouts. We support the aid of those who need help, not the ones that you have "oppressed." The party has not endorsed slave reperations, some liberals have, but you can bet that it will never be high on the agenda. I am sorry that Bru has felt "left out." I don't and I am a white middle-aged man. You know I feel that it is my duty as a fortunate person of society to help the fatherless children and the single moms.
I do do my own thinking thank you very much. The posts the I read of yours are merely the recycling of Republican belief. I think it is ironic that I make valid points and all that you guys say is "o, your just a straight-ticket Democrat."


Will the real Joe Anderson Please Stand Up? Hi Demsford glad ya stepped out of that dark closet!
Some of you DummieCrats have some major revisionist fantasies.

First! No PRESIDENT is ever responsible for spending or, except in very limited circumstances, the economy.

Spending and taxation are the responsibility of CONGRESS. Reagan had a Democratic Congress, which gave him the buildup in the military he wanted, and DIDN'T give him the cuts in spending, and elimination of bureaucracy, he wanted.

Hence the increase in the deficits.

Clinton came in 1993. Democrat congress. Taxes went up, spending went up.

1995 brought a GOP blitz and the Congress changed. What do you know? The budget shrank and the budget balanced with surpluses in the picture.

Clinton did nothing for the economy! He rode it like a gravy train and like a good marketing dink he claimed credit for everything he saw regardless of who actually did the work.

Clinton was a failure. Like Carter before him, and Johnson before Carter. They know how to screw things up, create handouts, swell bureaucracy, but not how to make corrections.

I suggest you spend some time and money taking an economics course or three. You may learn an important fact.

The PRESIDENT doesn't make or break the economy! Businesses and Employees DO!


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Good Question!!!

Originally posted by Kyle
Rose... Do you do time travel? :lmao:
I posted my reply to his original post. I think he deleted and reposted after I did.