
American Beauty
PREMO Member
Well, last Friday the wife and I went to Karoke at the Moose in Mechanicsville. She wanted to go. I am a member on the South end. Apparently for good reason. (lol). For some reason the Moose there jammed way too many people in the smallest part of the Moose instead of the larger hall they had. Who knows why. Anyhow, things got worse and worse there. The wife was singing on one side of the Moose and then on the other side she said things started to get ugly. Apparently it was over a pool player doing who knows what and some folks that came to watch the pool players. From at the bar, she did hear the President of the Lodge gave them permission to get some extra chairs since everything was taken. They set them up to watch the pool players. But it was between the pool players and the drunks by the door to the hall. But, the drunks behind those folks went crazy. Toward the end of the evening everyone at the Moose could hear them threaten to knock people out. Knock out the President of the Moose, etc. Then one of the pool players said he was going to break the stick on his head. They were all yelling back and forth and getting louder on top of that. We could all hear it. I was talking to a lady in the hall connected to the bar area and I could still hear it.

The wife didn't want to hang around. She was ready to go home at that point. She doesn't want to be around violence at any time for any reason. She went to the Moose because she thought they wouild act more civilized. I tried to explain to her when you add alcohol, people sometimes act differently. Well, she is done with the Mechanicsville Moose. Preobably never to return. From what I hear, so are other folks. We don't know when the police eventually got there or if they were called We left just beforehand. I do think the bartender called though. If they were called, I bet the police were surprised to get a call for a fight at the Moose! From the amount of folks that were there, nobody will be missed. They will probably ban a few members for a while that got a little out of control.
How was the band last night? You sure were cutting the rug last night.


Well-Known Member
Well, last Friday the wife and I went to Karoke at the Moose in Mechanicsville. She wanted to go. I am a member on the South end. Apparently for good reason. (lol). For some reason the Moose there jammed way too many people in the smallest part of the Moose instead of the larger hall they had. Who knows why. Anyhow, things got worse and worse there. The wife was singing on one side of the Moose and then on the other side she said things started to get ugly. Apparently it was over a pool player doing who knows what and some folks that came to watch the pool players. From at the bar, she did hear the President of the Lodge gave them permission to get some extra chairs since everything was taken. They set them up to watch the pool players. But it was between the pool players and the drunks by the door to the hall. But, the drunks behind those folks went crazy. Toward the end of the evening everyone at the Moose could hear them threaten to knock people out. Knock out the President of the Moose, etc. Then one of the pool players said he was going to break the stick on his head. They were all yelling back and forth and getting louder on top of that. We could all hear it. I was talking to a lady in the hall connected to the bar area and I could still hear it.

The wife didn't want to hang around. She was ready to go home at that point. She doesn't want to be around violence at any time for any reason. She went to the Moose because she thought they wouild act more civilized. I tried to explain to her when you add alcohol, people sometimes act differently. Well, she is done with the Mechanicsville Moose. Preobably never to return. From what I hear, so are other folks. We don't know when the police eventually got there or if they were called We left just beforehand. I do think the bartender called though. If they were called, I bet the police were surprised to get a call for a fight at the Moose! From the amount of folks that were there, nobody will be missed. They will probably ban a few members for a while that got a little out of control.

What, Moose members can't get drunk too?