Supreme Court Expands Scope of Disabilities Law


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
Your ex may have spent eight hours a day shuffling papers, but in combat he would have been expected to fire a rifle if need be.
Mmmm...he didn't shuffle papers - he was fixed ciphony repair, which I think is called something else now or maybe doesn't even exist anymore. And this was in the 80s, but it seems to me that all the crypto guys would have stayed indoors if there had been a war.


I bowl overhand
vraiblonde said:
Mmmm...he didn't shuffle papers - he was fixed ciphony repair, which I think is called something else now or maybe doesn't even exist anymore. And this was in the 80s, but it seems to me that all the crypto guys would have stayed indoors if there had been a war.
Ed Zahchary what I said.. REMF!!


itsbob said:
Not so.. there are combat arms jobs, combat support jobs, and REMF jobs.. a REMF (Rear Echelon Mo F0) has to qualify with a weapon every year, that is all. No squad training, or MOUT training.. live fire lane training.. and you won't catch a fincance clerk patrolling the streets of Baghdad unless he volunteered and was trained up for it. You MAY find an artilleryman, mortarman or surveyor from a combat arms unit out there doing it though. Personally if I was on patrol I wouldn't want a REMF anywhere within 1000 yards of me.. There are REMFs in Iraq I am sure, and they maybe in harms way, but they aren't out there activelly pursuing the bad guys.

So... you're telling me that a REMF will not be expected to take up arms if their unit is on the verge of being overrun? What if heavy fighting breaks out, and more people are needed on the lines immediately... are you telling me that REMFs just get a pass and get to move back to form a new RE rather than fight to fill the void? I'm guessing that your assessment is wrong based on the fact that these folks are required to qualify with a weapon every year. I doubt that requirement would be in place if there was no expectation that they might be required to use it at some point.


Lovin' being Texican
vraiblonde said:
Alright, I hear ya. I guess I was thinking about when my ex-husband was in the Army and he didn't do anything that some guy in a wheelchair couldn't have done. My son doesn't really do anything that a handicapped person couldn't do either - they need their brains but not their bodies so much. So maybe not mentally handicapped people, but physically handicapped ones could still serve, don't you think? Or no?

As we keep telling Kennedy/Kerry, "Those who serve in the Department of Defense in a civilian capacity are as important as those who serve in uniform."


Pete said:

An AT! I didn't know you were a girl! I used to date a couple of ATs that were in my old squadron. :smoochy:

The only problem that I ever had with ATs was over the old AQA-7 system. They always wanted to set the pen threshold too dark, whereas we operators liked the grams lighter. I remember when they started putting cover plates over the adjustment screws so we couldn't change the settings, and we just pried up the ends of the plates. Ahhhh... those were the days.


I bowl overhand
Bruzilla said:
So... you're telling me that a REMF will not be expected to take up arms if their unit is on the verge of being overrun? What if heavy fighting breaks out, and more people are needed on the lines immediately... are you telling me that REMFs just get a pass and get to move back to form a new RE rather than fight to fill the void? I'm guessing that your assessment is wrong based on the fact that these folks are required to qualify with a weapon every year. I doubt that requirement would be in place if there was no expectation that they might be required to use it at some point.
Actually REMFS if in a situation or area where that MAY be possible are usually protected by Infantry.. so yes as a LAST resort they would be able to put the pointy end of the bulleet in the rifle in the right direction at lesat 2 out of three times. but they are NOT trainined for combat operations.. they don
t do squad Platoon or Company Arteps, they don't do Table VII or VIII gunnery, they don't learn how to emplace mines other then the Claymore, or use explosives to deny passage of the enemy.. etc etc..

So who woud you rather have your life depend on when on patrol, someone that spends 200 - 270 days a year in the field learning their craft, or the REMF that qualified 9 months ago with their rifle? Give me 4 hours and I can qualify your grandmother on a rifle range..


itsbob said:
Actually REMFS if in a situation or area where that MAY be possible are usually protected by Infantry.. so yes as a LAST resort they would be able to put the pointy end of the bulleet in the rifle in the right direction at lesat 2 out of three times. but they are NOT trainined for combat operations.. they don
t do squad Platoon or Company Arteps, they don't do Table VII or VIII gunnery, they don't learn how to emplace mines other then the Claymore, or use explosives to deny passage of the enemy.. etc etc..

So who woud you rather have your life depend on when on patrol, someone that spends 200 - 270 days a year in the field learning their craft, or the REMF that qualified 9 months ago with their rifle? Give me 4 hours and I can qualify your grandmother on a rifle range..

Let me think... if I were ever in a situation where I needed to decide that question, it would be because the 200-270 days guys had failed and now I'm about to get overrun. So I guess I trust my life to whoever is standing next to me blasting away with whatever they've got.

Come to think of it, that young man who put up such a fight during the PFC Lynch episode was a REMF wasn't he? I would have no problems with him watching my back.


Pete said:
You were the submissive one eh? :lmao:

To get laid on deployment, I can be submissive! :yay: I was in one of the first squadrons to get women assigned to them. Most went to the Avionics shop, some went to the Airframes shop (and they were barely women if you know what I mean) and the rest went to the Personnel/Admin shops.