Only two choices. Not a trick question or any kind of gotcha question. Supremacy requires one or the other.
And there in lies your, it does not require one or the other. This is a stupid question based on a false premise that supremacy must be either/or.
My answer -- BOTH Sacred Tradition AND Scripture is the authority. The two go hand in hand and it is ideal.
By way of analogy, in an ideal world parenting is done with both mother and father. Not just one or the other, but both. If Mom says no dessert until dinner is done, Dad backs her up. If Dad says no TV until homework is done, Mom backs him up. Neither Mother or Father is superior to the other, and both are the authority to the children. Or, child says, "Mom said I couldn't have dessert until dinner is done but if I feed my food to the dog, then dinner is done." Dad is there to say, "That's not what she meant, eat your damn dinner". Or child says, "Dad said no TV until homework is done, but he didn't say I couldn't cheat to get it done". Mom is there to say, "Cheating is wrong, now do what your Dad told you." You see how this works? Not one is more superior to the other, but both are the authority.
I guess your catholic definition doesn't quite match the rest of the world:
noun su·prem·a·cy \sə-ˈpre-mə-sē, sü- also -ˈprē-\
: the quality or state of having more power, authority, or status than anyone else : the state of being supreme
adjective su·preme \sə-ˈprēm, sü-\
: highest in rank or authority
: highest in degree or quality : greatest or highest possible
Full Definition of SUPREME
: highest in rank or authority <the supreme commander>
: highest in degree or quality <supreme endurance in war and in labour — R. W. Emerson>
: ultimate, final <the supreme sacrifice>
— su·preme·ly adverb
And there in lies your, it does not require one or the other. This is a stupid question based on a false premise that supremacy must be either/or.
My answer -- BOTH Sacred Tradition AND Scripture is the authority. The two go hand in hand and it is ideal.
Great, you can give a definition.This in no way implies that such a status cannot be shared or that it is required to be an either/or proposition.
Like the Qur'an and the Hadith. The two lay out the TRUTH quite nicely wouldn't you say? Interesting, isn't it, how people base their lives on primitive texts?![]()
The answer I expected in one form or another from you - supremacy can be shared.
That simply makes nothing supreme, nothing right, or wrong. Just catholic tradition. Man = God.
I assume, b23, you are talking about what reigns supreme in a Christian's life? I would say scripture. The church doesn't exist in it's current forms without scripture. And I assume most Christians go to scripture when they want answers, moreso than their church.
Yes, to the most extent. Scriptures must be supreme, or there is no sense in having them in the first place. Everything a Christian does and believe must be looked at by the individual and compared in the mirror of the Bible. If one has "church traditions" that are not scriptural but are held as the same as scripture and worshiped as such, well, then what guideline does that person have to base their belief? Man? Certainly not God.
As far as the poll goes, to tell the truth, I am surprised at the results, both by the number of responses and the tally.
If one has "church traditions" that are not scriptural but are held as the same as scripture and worshiped as such, well, then what guideline does that person have to base their belief? Man? Certainly not God.
And therein lies your other problem. Who interprets and determines what is or is not scriptural? You? Me? Suzy? Johnny? And what if we interpret that differently (which we obviously do)? How can scripture be the supreme authority on its own accord if it's open to interpretation? And if it's left to your or my personal interpretation then are we not making ourselves God for surely we can make it say what we want it to?
I have no problem with this. You have a problem with simple fact vs. your perception of personal interpretation. If you can read scripture, and be capable of comparing what it simply reads to your sacred church tradition, you will find many holes in those traditions that are simply not backed up by scripture. Not real hard to discern, right? You yourself said both are equal in your catholic mind, placing man as an equal to god. you obviously cannot digest and interpret what words mean. You, like your church in many instances, will simply tap around words and try to color it as having different meanings to fit your narrative. You just cannot admit those simple facts. Just fess up and say something like "Yes, Catholics believe their sacred church traditions carry the same weight as scriptures, even those many of those traditions are found nowhere in scripture" or something like that. So be it for you and yours.
You go, girl or whatever.
Maranatha, or Merry Christmas, which ever comes first.
Do you know what Theology is? Theology is the study of the nature of god and beliefs.
May I ask what denomination you are? Not what church you attend, of that I have no interest, but which denomination that church is a part of? There are a couple thousand denominations of christian, and I'd hate to list them all in hopes of guessing.
I have no problem with this.
You have a problem with simple fact vs. your perception of personal interpretation. If you can read scripture, and be capable of comparing what it simply reads to your sacred church tradition, you will find many holes in those traditions that are simply not backed up by scripture.
Not real hard to discern, right?
You yourself said both are equal in your catholic mind, placing man as an equal to god.
you obviously cannot digest and interpret what words mean.
You, like your church in many instances, will simply tap around words and try to color it as having different meanings to fit your narrative. You just cannot admit those simple facts. Just fess up and say something like "Yes, Catholics believe their sacred church traditions carry the same weight as scriptures, even those many of those traditions are found nowhere in scripture" or something like that. So be it for you and yours.
You go, girl or whatever.
Maranatha, or Merry Christmas, which ever comes first.
So nowhere can you even begin to try and see it from a perspective of the bible was written by man, edited by man, decided by man what would be in it and used primarily as a book of laws to govern the masses? Traditions are merely a way of passing down ways of doing things and values to generations. What do you think about ALL those Christians before us that couldn't read? What else were they supposed to do to understand what the ways were and what was being taught if not for passing down traditions.
Modern christians are very short sighted and honestly, self centered.
The question is a false one because it assumes that one denies the other. You can have both. That's why "denominations" exist, rather then every single christian being a denomination unto themselves.
He is part of one of the thousand of strip mall churches that pop up and interpret scripture at will...
His actually went from strip mall to its own building and web page....
His denomination ....Fundamentalist, Evangelical, RCC hating wacko......JMHO