

Well, it appears that I'll have to get surgery on my wrist for a ganglion cyst. It's not bothering me, but the doctor is afraid that it will cause nerve damage due to the size of it. I first noticed it about 3 months ago and at first it was thought to be a spider bite. It went down some, but came back and is now bigger than ever. Two different doctors have looked at it, a 3rd is going to do xrays next Friday. I have tiny wrists, so the thing looks like a golf ball sitting on my wrist.

My question. Has anyone had surgery for this, what's it like? The reason I ask is because if I have to get surgery, I have no one to drive me home and I need to know if I'll be able to drive or will they need to knock me out. I can wait and find out Friday, but it's bugging me now. My husband will be home in February, so I may see if it can wait until then, or something they need to do right away.


New Member
My question. Has anyone had surgery for this, what's it like? .

Well, it doesn't get any clearer than this!

Do a google search for "Red Desert Clay" where people claim to have them naturally go down(recede) w/o surgery.
I am a fan of clay(for ingestion) as part of any good detox program anyway.


Well, it doesn't get any clearer than this!

Do a google search for "Red Desert Clay" where people claim to have them naturally go down(recede) w/o surgery.
I am a fan of clay(for ingestion) as part of any good detox program anyway.

I did not watch the video, but I take it I'll have to be knocked out. Good to know and thanks for the info.
With any surgery using general, chances of you driving home are slim to none.

My brother had that surgery, but it was a long time ago, maybe back in the 60s when we were both kids. He was in the hospital for a few days and I remember he was pretty ill from the surgery. I doubt it's anything like that today.

It was 100% successful, no post issues, no loss of any kind.

I know a few people that have smacked the cyst to break it, and it goes away. Sometimes comes back.
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With any surgery using general, chances of you driving home are slim to none.

My brother had that surgery, but it was a long time ago, maybe back in the 60s when we were both kids. He was in the hospital for a few days and I remember he was pretty ill from the surgery. I doubt it's anything like that today.

It was 100% successful, no post issues, no loss of any kind.

I know a few people that have smacked the cyst to break it, and it goes away. Sometimes comes back.

I tried smacking it when it was small, and I think that's why it went away. I just didn't want to do this while my husband was home, he's home for such a short time and I didn't want to have this to deal with while he's here. I think when I know for sure what it's all about, I'll check with my neighbor, she may be able to help if I can give her notice for work.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I have OWCP approved carpel tunnel in both wrists. Have not had surgery, and hope to not have it.

Any surgery with anesthesia will require a ride home.

Good luck.


I was just hoping they could give me a local, stick a big needle in it, drain it, slap a bandaid on it and send me on my way. Guess I was wrong. I may just opt for waiting until February, I may need some TLC from my husband for this. I've been with him through knee surgery and in January he had shoulder surgery, guess it's my turn to be babied.


New Member
I was just hoping they could give me a local, stick a big needle in it, drain it, slap a bandaid on it and send me on my way..

Your logic makes perfect sense, but most MD's prefer the surgery route(substantial increase in insurance billing for surgery).

Walk into one of these medical clinics scattered around and TELL the MD you want your cyst aspirated!. OR do it yourself!. All you need for the local is a zip lock bag full of ice. It completely numbs and you will never feel the needle.


Your logic makes perfect sense, but most MD's prefer the surgery route(substantial increase in insurance billing for surgery).

Walk into one of these medical clinics scattered around and TELL the MD you want your cyst aspirated!. OR do it yourself!. All you need for the local is a zip lock bag full of ice. It completely numbs and you will never feel the needle.

Scary thing is, I've actually thought of it, only mine included lots of Jack Daniel's. :killingme


Soul Probe
I was just hoping they could give me a local, stick a big needle in it, drain it, slap a bandaid on it and send me on my way. Guess I was wrong. I may just opt for waiting until February, I may need some TLC from my husband for this. I've been with him through knee surgery and in January he had shoulder surgery, guess it's my turn to be babied.

They could aspirate it, but it's possible it would come back. The surgery is a more definitive treatment, which can be done under local or general anesthesia depending on the location and doctor preference. Let us know what the doc says on Friday.


They could aspirate it, but it's possible it would come back. The surgery is a more definitive treatment, which can be done under local or general anesthesia depending on the location and doctor preference. Let us know what the doc says on Friday.

this is what I was hoping, guess we'll see on Friday


Active Member
this is what I was hoping, guess we'll see on Friday
They'll do it with Local if you ask them too. Come to think of it, I don't remember anyone having to be sedated. Either way, you should be fine in a few days. Well wishes to you.


New Member
Scary thing is, I've actually thought of it, only mine included lots of Jack Daniel's. :killingme

Might as well go all out. Have someone strap your arm down to a table, several shots of Jack Daniels(or 151 rum), put on blindfolds and bite down on a stick!
In the old west they would bite down on a bullet cartridge, but no sense in wasting a perfectly good cartridge. And all that only for a "needle stick"? It would at least make it fun.


So, my appt was at 9 tomorrow morning and they decide to wait until 6 this evening to call and let me know they don't accept my insurance. They said I would have to go out of network and would have a $7,000 deductible. WTF? Called my insurance company and they gave me a list of places in my area and after a copay, they pay 100%. So glad I called, but now I'll probably have to wait another week to be seen.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
So, my appt was at 9 tomorrow morning and they decide to wait until 6 this evening to call and let me know they don't accept my insurance. They said I would have to go out of network and would have a $7,000 deductible. WTF? Called my insurance company and they gave me a list of places in my area and after a copay, they pay 100%. So glad I called, but now I'll probably have to wait another week to be seen.

That sucks. Good thing it isn't an emergency.


Just got back, he drained it with a huge needle, wants to see it again in a week. I'm just glad it's gone, if it comes back, then we'll go with the surgery.


Had the surgery yesterday, stayed awake for it, it was pretty intense, but I didn't feel a thing. I had no idea I'd have to wear a hard cast for over two weeks though. This is going to drive me nuts.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Had the surgery yesterday, stayed awake for it, it was pretty intense, but I didn't feel a thing. I had no idea I'd have to wear a hard cast for over two weeks though. This is going to drive me nuts.

Did you get a ride or were you okay to drive?



Did you get a ride or were you okay to drive?


I was fine to drive, I've felt very little pain since the surgery, I just hate having such limited use of that hand. This is my first cast ever and to me it's the equivalent of being chained to a wall.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I was fine to drive, I've felt very little pain since the surgery, I just hate having such limited use of that hand. This is my first cast ever and to me it's the equivalent of being chained to a wall.

When I had my elbow surgery - just a teeny little incision to unpinch a nerve - they casted me from shoulder to fingertips. It was annoying as well.

How long do you have to wear the cast?