

Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
Oh. You're bad.
Honestly, I'm not trying to be. Something is the truth. I frankly admit I could be wrong - that there are no WMD anywhere near Iraq, that Saddam was a perfectly fine person who wished us nothing but glad tidings, and that he had absolutely nothing to do with any terrorists ever, including Al Qaeda.

And if I AM wrong, then that means the US invaded a sovreign nation in the exact same manner that Hitler invaded Poland, France, Russia, etc. And that means Bush should be tried as a war criminal.

But what that also means is that John Kerry is all for this invasion and Hitler-esque behavior because he's said he intends to keep fighting the war, just differently than Bush has been.

I'm just looking for some consistency and logic here. So what say you, JLab? Should Bush be tried as a war criminal? Or was there a reason to overthrow Saddam and his boys? And what do you think of John Kerry wanting to stay the course in Iraq?


"He corrupted France, Germany and the UN." Oy Vay!

They were corrupted by the pursuit of the all-mighty Franc and Deutshmark. If anyone's guilty of "Blood For Oil" it's them.