Does anyone know the reason the center for the Raiders got suspended for the game?? One of my co-workers said he heard on the radio why, but I am not sure that would be accurate...
Originally posted by Ken King
I had heard that he was partying too hard to be able to play. Maybe he was afraid he might have to provide a urine sample, the results of could have removed him from the game forever. He'll probably play for the Dallas Convicts (I mean Cowboys) next year.
:razz2: Geez, that's different than what ESPN reported earlier, but heck, it's a possiblity, I suppose. They're all over the place on this one.Originally posted by RangerJohn
I'd heard that the Raider in question had toured the bars of Tijuana and cried "Uno Mas Tequila por favor!" just a few too many times. Of course the tequila being sold on Avenida Revolucion' bears an uncanny resemblance to auto coolant, and the local motto is "Let the gringo beware."
This is a strange change from a team that allowed John Matuszak to roam Bourbon Street till Dawn the Saturday Night before Super Bowl 14 when the Raiders man-handled the Eagles. Of course, this guy likely couldn't "Cruize with the Tooz" even now....with the Tooz six feet under pushing up daisies.
I don't know if anybody else here has had thoughts about it the way I'm going to, but football is a lot like war. Some will say BS, it's a game!Originally posted by RangerJohn
More choice quotes.....and according to team mate Mo Collins.....
"The Raiders wouldn’t say where Robbins went on Saturday or why, although offensive tackle Mo Collins angrily said, “Too much bad tequila,” according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
Collins didn’t end there.
“Whatever (expletive) rock he came up from, he can stay there as far as I’m concerned,” he said.
On teammate Barett Robbins, who was absent from the game “I probably won’t be back here next year, a lot of us won’t,” Middleton said of a team that is expected to be perhaps $45 million over next year’s salary cap. “But I’ll tell you this — if Barret Robbins comes back, I won’t. You can print that.
“I want to play with people I can rely on. I don’t want to go into next year worrying about some cat making it to the game.”
Originally posted by ez_one20690
Does anyone know the reason the center for the Raiders got suspended for the game?? One of my co-workers said he heard on the radio why, but I am not sure that would be accurate...
Originally posted by Ken King
He'll probably play for the Dallas Convicts (I mean Cowboys) next year.
Ha, ha. Come on, everyone knows if you want drugs just find a Dallas Cowboy.Originally posted by yakky doodle
you aren't my friend anymore.
Originally posted by bluto
not the lamer's bus
Originally posted by cattitude
You don't necessarily qualify as mental or an unproductive member of society because you are on antidepressants. People that truly have some sort of depression or anxiety disorder feel better when they take their medication and a frequent side effect of that feeling better is to quit taking the medication because you feel you can cope.
Originally posted by bluto
Not just depression, bipolar. Maybe if lawyers quit trying to save their clients hide by using bipolar disorder as a defense it wouldn't be stigmatized.![]()