Just to play "Devil's advocate" . . . Why should I be mandated by law to put a fence around my pool (on private property, mind you) just so that someone else can be irresponsible and let their kids run wild and unsupervised without having to worry about the consequences?
Aren't we actually enabling those sorts of irresponsible parents to continue in their current mode of operation by making it safe for their children in spite of them not doing their job?
I'm all for keeping kids safe, but that is primarily the parents' job. Yes, we have a responsibility as a part of the society and as human beings in general to conduct ourselves in a way that will not endanger another person if possible. However, there is something wrong when, little by little, the primary responsibility for a childs safety is shifted away from that child's parent(s) and forced onto everyone else.
Besides, there is so much water (rivers, creeks, ponds, etc.) around here that it is absurd to have a law mandating a fence around a 10ft. pool but have the entire Chesapeake Bay (plug in your closest body of water) in your back yard wide open. What are they going to do? Are they going to pass a law that every body of water must be fenced off? That would never pass. Why? Not because it is ridiculous, but because it would have a negative impact on the environment somehow or the other - some turtle or something wouldn't be able to get to it's breeding ground or some such thing.
Things have become so cockeyed that there are people out there that are far more concerned about the propogation of some obscure animal species (or whatever their 'pet' cause is) than they are about holding parents accountable - holding them responsible for their own kids' wellbeing.
(Posted by voter's wife)