I bowl overhand
You can chastise me all you want... Mobil1 & filter @5k ...
Mobil1 I'd go at least 15 - 20k..
The best bet (and I think it's not offered) is to get an oil analysis done to determine when it was time to change your oil.
The Army does this with all their armored vehicles, and I know of some where we went well over 3 years with no oil changes.
The HUGE plus is, oil analysis always points to serious problems in your engine, it detects trace metals, and depending on the type of metal it detects it can point to where your engine is going to fail well before it actually fails.
I would bet well over half of us get out oil changed well before we really need to, adding to a huge amount of oil a year that either has to be recycled or disposed of.
Would be nice if places like Jiffy Lube had to test your oil first to see if it needed to be changed, before they dumped another 5 quarts into the environement, so someone somewhere had to drill and refine another 5 quarts to replace it.