Synchronized Stoplights


New Member
Can anyone tell me why the stoplights on 235 are not synchronized? It just seems every town I have driven in time their stoplights so if you go the legal posted speed limit you will hit every light green. This always seemed to make traffic flow much smoother. Here, it doesn't matter if you go the speed limit, exceed it, or drive under it. It seems like I hit every single light red from one end of town to the other.

Does anyone know the reason for this? I get TERRIBLE gas mileage in town now because of all the starting and stopping.


jackers said:
Can anyone tell me why the stoplights on 235 are not synchronized? It just seems every town I have driven in time their stoplights so if you go the legal posted speed limit you will hit every light green. This always seemed to make traffic flow much smoother. Here, it doesn't matter if you go the speed limit, exceed it, or drive under it. It seems like I hit every single light red from one end of town to the other.

Does anyone know the reason for this? I get TERRIBLE gas mileage in town now because of all the starting and stopping.

You needs a Charger!!! :biggrin:

No stop light catches the Charger!!! :biggrin:
Whenever I am on the 235 Speedway I hit a green light, then a red light, then a green light, then a red light. Well... you catch my drift.


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Wow, what a way to answer a simple question. I guess we all can just hide our heads in the sand and believe we live in a perfect utopia. With comments like that, I can see why some people not from here hold this place in such high regards.


My Sweetest Boy
Route 4 through Prince Frederick has been a bear for the last month or so during rush hour. About a week ago they re-synchronized the lights and the traffic has improved dramatically.


Main Streeter
jackers said:
Can anyone tell me why the stoplights on 235 are not synchronized? It just seems every town I have driven in time their stoplights so if you go the legal posted speed limit you will hit every light green. This always seemed to make traffic flow much smoother. Here, it doesn't matter if you go the speed limit, exceed it, or drive under it. It seems like I hit every single light red from one end of town to the other.

Does anyone know the reason for this? I get TERRIBLE gas mileage in town now because of all the starting and stopping.

I know what you’re talking about. The problem is that they can’t synchronize traffic lights on roads that handle two way traffic. I drove in Hagerstown a lot when I was growing up. That town is built on one way roads. This means that the lights can be synchronized. The green light s flow through town at about 23 mph rotating between north bound, east bound, south bound and westbound. Once you turn on to a road, you normally hit one red light. Once it turns green, as long as you maintain the speed limit, you’ll hit all green lights. But, remember, all roads are one way. I f you need to turn around, you can’t do a U-turn like you can on Rt. 235. You have to turn right or left and go over on block where the road goes in the opposite direction and once again you can pick up the green light pattern going the opposite way. Since Rt. 235 handles traffic going in both directions, it’s not possible to “sync” the lights. There is a possible exception. They could time the lights to favor south bound traffic during the weekday morning rush and then time them to favor the north bound traffic during the weekday evening rush. I know they do this to a certain extent already but it only favors the rush hour traffic over the other roads that feed into Rt. 235. It does allow one to hit every green light.


New Member
Thanks whomever posted the good karma.

Does anyone know whom we can contact about this? I just think it would really cut down on the traffic and accidents down here. It is pretty rough sometimes.


New Member
awpitt said:
I know what you’re talking about. The problem is that they can’t synchronize traffic lights on roads that handle two way traffic. I drove in Hagerstown a lot when I was growing up. That town is built on one way roads. This means that the lights can be synchronized. The green light s flow through town at about 23 mph rotating between north bound, east bound, south bound and westbound. Once you turn on to a road, you normally hit one red light. Once it turns green, as long as you maintain the speed limit, you’ll hit all green lights. But, remember, all roads are one way. I f you need to turn around, you can’t do a U-turn like you can on Rt. 235. You have to turn right or left and go over on block where the road goes in the opposite direction and once again you can pick up the green light pattern going the opposite way. Since Rt. 235 handles traffic going in both directions, it’s not possible to “sync” the lights. There is a possible exception. They could time the lights to favor south bound traffic during the weekday morning rush and then time them to favor the north bound traffic during the weekday evening rush. I know they do this to a certain extent already but it only favors the rush hour traffic over the other roads that feed into Rt. 235. It does allow one to hit every green light.

Great post. I read this after my last post. Hhmm, there has to be something they can do.


Main Streeter
jackers said:
Thanks whomever posted the good karma.

Does anyone know whom we can contact about this? I just think it would really cut down on the traffic and accidents down here. It is pretty rough sometimes.

State Highway Admin are the folks who run Rt. 235. You can also write to State Del. John Bohanon or State Sen. Roy Dyson.


New Member
awpitt said:
State Highway Admin are the folks who run Rt. 235. You can also write to State Del. John Bohanon or State Sen. Roy Dyson.

Thank you very much. That was exactly what I was looking for.


Watch it
jackers said:
Can anyone tell me why the stoplights on 235 are not synchronized? It just seems every town I have driven in time their stoplights so if you go the legal posted speed limit you will hit every light green. This always seemed to make traffic flow much smoother. Here, it doesn't matter if you go the speed limit, exceed it, or drive under it. It seems like I hit every single light red from one end of town to the other.

Does anyone know the reason for this? I get TERRIBLE gas mileage in town now because of all the starting and stopping.

I've noticed that too. My favorite is the new light at the intersection of Rte 4 and Rte 5 in Leonardtown...cycled every 7 seconds the other evening. Had traffic backed up big time. LOL. Looks like they fixed it...maybe 235 is next! :yay:
I actually think they are pretty well synched except for a couple of them. Namely the two at Exploration and the one just for Walmart shoppers. The rest, if you are going with the expected heavy traffic are pretty easy to hit green.


New Member
desertrat said:
I actually think they are pretty well synched except for a couple of them. Namely the two at Exploration and the one just for Walmart shoppers. The rest, if you are going with the expected heavy traffic are pretty easy to hit green.

I must be doing something wrong. I live in Wildewood and take that stretch every day after work (I leave at 4:30 pm). I get stuck in every one. Now in the mornings I hit them all green, except for the one at rt 4 and 235.


24/7 Single Dad
Turning out of San Souci north on 235 in the afternoon, I need to hit about 85 mph to make the light at Chancellors Run, then slow to 55 and I'll hit the rest of the north bound lights green.


Resident PIA
jackers said:
Comments on this Post quit ya comp[laining...dont like it here..leave.

You have -7138908 Reputation points.

Wow, what a way to answer a simple question. I guess we all can just hide our heads in the sand and believe we live in a perfect utopia. With comments like that, I can see why some people not from here hold this place in such high regards.
In answer to your question (original): I believe the lights are sync'd. BUT you have to hit them just right - basically if you get one, you get them all if you maintain an average speed at or maybe slightly above the posted limits.
That works during the day and particularly at rush hour(s). However at other times, when volume is low, the side streets will trip the light sooner. i.e. At 5 pm they lights will be sync and there can be a long line ready to come out at Wal-Mart. At 10pm if there are 3 cars at Wal-Mart the light will trip to let them exit regardless of timing.
jackers said:
I must be doing something wrong. I live in Wildewood and take that stretch every day after work (I leave at 4:30 pm). I get stuck in every one. Now in the mornings I hit them all green, except for the one at rt 4 and 235.
Maybe it's the time I leave. I'm usually heading up there around 3:15. Lately the light at Chancellors has been uncooperative too. Turns green about the time I get there, but by that time there are a dozen or so cars backed up. Not bad though.
Didn't hit one light red this morning, even the one letting me out onto 235! Didn't stop until the gate 1 check point.