T.O. ~~> Dallas


But wait, there's more...
I think I said something a while back either on here or just to NP about how ironic it'd be if TO went to Big D. :lol:


Dancing Up A Storm
It's official, it would appear.....

<TABLE class=tableheadFixWidth cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=3 width=200 align=right><TBODY><TR class=stathead><TD class=whitelink colSpan=2>Terrell Owens</TD></TR><TR class=evenrow align=right><TD align=left>
Wide Receiver
Philadelphia Eagles

Profile</TD></TR><TR class=evenrow><TD align=middle><TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width=190 bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TBODY><TR class=stathead align=middle><TD align=middle colSpan=6>2005 SEASON STATISTICS</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND: #bcbcb4" align=right><TD width="17%">Rec</TD><TD width="17%">Yds</TD><TD width="17%">TD</TD><TD width="17%">Avg</TD><TD width="17%">Long</TD><TD width="17%">YAC</TD></TR><TR align=right bgColor=#999999><TD>47</TD><TD>763</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>16.2</TD><TD>91</TD><TD>337</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!---------------------INLINE MINI-PLAYER CARD ENDS HERE--------------------->

The reviled receiver joined the Cowboys on Saturday, signing a three-year contract to play for Jerry Jones and Bill Parcells in what promises to be an interesting combination of strong personalities.

"I'm a star among stars now," a smiling Owens said.

The three-year contract can be worth as much as $25 million if Owens plays through the deal and Dallas opts to pay him pricey roster bonuses in the springs of 2007 and 2008.

Owens, who was released by the Eagles on Tuesday, will earn a bonus of $5 million for this season and a base salary of $5 million, for total compensation of $10 million.

Dallas must then pay Owens a roster bonus of $3 million in March 2007 to retain him for that season, at a base salary of $5 million. There is another roster bonus of $3 million due in March 2008, and Owens has a base salary of $4 million for that year.


I guess if there's any team owner that deserves someone like Owens... it's Jones.


New Member
BuddyLee said:
I can't wait for Sean Taylor to put a hurtin' on him.:yahoo:

I'll be getting the football package again thru DirecTV now just so I can watch all of the Dallas games with antipation of seeing TO getting wrecked!
Of course, ESPN will be showing every Dallas post game show with all of the TO interviews...can't wait for the first time where he is wide open and the QB doesn't use him. :lmao: let the fireworks begin.


No Longer the Kid
T.O is definitly a Skins fan...first he went to Philly, screwed them all up, now he is going to Dallas to screw them all up.... :lmao:

He could possibly have Hail To The REDSKINS playing in that MP3 player he always has on...never know :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Don't kid yourself...kid.

Softballkid said:
T.O is definitly a Skins fan...first he went to Philly, screwed them all up, now he is going to Dallas to screw them all up.... :lmao:

He could possibly have Hail To The REDSKINS playing in that MP3 player he always has on...never know :lol:

Philly was a better team, on the field, with him. Dallas is 4-6 points a game better with him.

Philly knew what they were getting and didn't know what to do with his off field antics. On the field he performed. The Eagles are all about McNabb.

Bill Parcels has shown ZERO problem dealing with inflated egos in the past.

Be worried.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
Philly was a better team, on the field, with him. Dallas is 4-6 points a game better with him.

Philly knew what they were getting and didn't know what to do with his off field antics. On the field he performed. The Eagles are all about McNabb.

Bill Parcels has shown ZERO problem dealing with inflated egos in the past.

Be worried.

Wrong. Granted McNabb is the franchise player. BUT, Philly is a TEAM. There are no showboaters. No ONE Eagle will ever become a one man show as long as the "fat ass Andy Reid is the coach. He never has made a big deal out of any one's records. And that's what TO couldn't stand. He also destroyed the team atmosphere. He was that guy in the office that everyone else in the office hoped would be sick that day, or worse.

He will not fit in in Dallas. Dallas doesn't have a strong QB to support TO's talent or with a strong enough personality to put up with TO's BS. And that's where the fireworks will begin.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You can say 'wrong'...

Ponytail said:
Wrong. Granted McNabb is the franchise player. BUT, Philly is a TEAM. There are no showboaters. No ONE Eagle will ever become a one man show as long as the "fat ass Andy Reid is the coach. He never has made a big deal out of any one's records. And that's what TO couldn't stand. He also destroyed the team atmosphere. He was that guy in the office that everyone else in the office hoped would be sick that day, or worse.

He will not fit in in Dallas. Dallas doesn't have a strong QB to support TO's talent or with a strong enough personality to put up with TO's BS. And that's where the fireworks will begin.

...but you can't get around THE simple and central fact; TO is an azzhat, was an azzhat and always will be an azzhat.

Philly knew that when they signed him up; "We'll deal with all that just as long as TO does his job."

Ya da ya da yah.

Wrong. TO did his part, played his azz off and played the azz the rest of the time. He even risked his career by coming back VERY early from the broken anlke to play very, very well in the Superbowl.

If they, Philly, were a team, they would not have self destructed as last season fell apart. To has ZERO power over how grown, adult people react to adversity, either on the field or off.

I have no patience or tolerance for anyone who knows what they are getting to and then act like it's a surprise when they get what they paid for. They're acting like some woman who fell in love with the charming rogue who was cheating on his wife and then, when he marries her, is shocked, SHOCKED to find that he is, gasp, cheating on her.

The Eagles tore themselves apart over TO. As many guys wanted him playing as wanted him gone as though being a professional football player is suddenly a democratic institution.

Some team.

We'll see how the Eagles rebound now that the 'problem' is gone. If you're right, they'll be back in the championship game this year or at least the playoffs.

As far as Dallas, we'll see about that as well. Seems you haven't heard much about Bledsoe. He yells at people in the huddle and was not even remotely upstaged by Keyshawn nor had any problems with him, nor did Parcells. Ask Terry Glenn how Bill does with divas. Ask Lawrence Taylor.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...but you can't get around THE simple and central fact; TO is an azzhat, was an azzhat and always will be an azzhat.

Philly knew that when they signed him up; "We'll deal with all that just as long as TO does his job."

Ya da ya da yah.

Wrong. TO did his part, played his azz off and played the azz the rest of the time. He even risked his career by coming back VERY early from the broken anlke to play very, very well in the Superbowl.

If they, Philly, were a team, they would not have self destructed as last season fell apart. To has ZERO power over how grown, adult people react to adversity, either on the field or off.

I have no patience or tolerance for anyone who knows what they are getting to and then act like it's a surprise when they get what they paid for. They're acting like some woman who fell in love with the charming rogue who was cheating on his wife and then, when he marries her, is shocked, SHOCKED to find that he is, gasp, cheating on her.

The Eagles tore themselves apart over TO. As many guys wanted him playing as wanted him gone as though being a professional football player is suddenly a democratic institution.

Some team.

We'll see how the Eagles rebound now that the 'problem' is gone. If you're right, they'll be back in the championship game this year or at least the playoffs.

As far as Dallas, we'll see about that as well. Seems you haven't heard much about Bledsoe. He yells at people in the huddle and was not even remotely upstaged by Keyshawn nor had any problems with him, nor did Parcells. Ask Terry Glenn how Bill does with divas. Ask Lawrence Taylor.

The Eagles needed a reciever that was able to run. They got that with TO. What they didn't need is the running of his mouth and him constantly trying to bring attention to himself AS a star. Reid never put up with that. He definitely didn't know how to deal with it. But he will never have a one man show for a team.

The Eagles made it to the playoffs before TO with no real stars. They were a strong team with an all out supporting cast, albeit, a young team at the time. The Eagles GOT through the playoffs WITHOUT TO. THAT team was a good team, with or without him. Last year was a different story. It was a different team. New players, injuries, "case of the dropsies" by other recievers...

TO wasn't Philly's only problem last year. McNabb played with that Sports Hernia all season. Pinkston was running and ducking from every pass thrown his way, our entire front line except for ONE was made of 2nd and 3rd stringers due to injury before the season was at the halfway point, allowing McNabb to just get PUMMELED.

I'm not holding my breath to see anything special happen this year. The Eagles have lost most of their worthy experience due to age, or free agency, and haven't been able to do much for winning bids on free agents for replacements. I think TO made them a little gun shy on forking out big $$ for any one player again. I dunno. But they're letting quite a few players slip through they're fingers.

I can already see the signs in the stadium though this year of we don't have a winning season... "At least we don't have TO". :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...they had a guy who could run; Stinkston.


They needed a guy who could CATCH it and then run!

Why get TO if you don't want a mouthy, disrespectful punk?

If you want to argue the Eagles were as well or better off without him, tell them that. They were the ones who said "Wanted; mouthy, disrespecful super star."

Yes, injuries are a #####. I just don't see how sitting down your most offensive (in more ways than one) weapon helps. Throw the guy the damn ball on every play until he shuts up or is dead.

I think you're right that the fans will be saying 0-16 without TO is better than 16-0 with him because fans are even worse than the coaches and owners in admitting their team fouled up by getting him and then by getting rid of him.

Look at us. People are excited about Shawn Taylor. We'll win with Taylor!
Yes, give us a maniac running around brandishing a pistol! Just so long as we win.

All I'm saying is TO was a known quantity. They had trouble the Super bowl year with the guy. No one cared then; they were winning.