Taking bets!


Ahhhh Florida!
Not gambling. Let's play a game. I will take someone to lunch if they are the closest to guessing my actual dressage score on the 18th. This will be my first dressage show. I am a hunt seat rider with very little formal training in dressage AND I will be riding Sadie! Who wants to play? This should be fun. Come and play WD!:buddies: First someone needs to explain to me how the whole scoring thing works on the other thread.


New Member
fine 55% :lmao: yeah they give you a number but then theres a percentage they give you 2. but the numbers varie depending on what test you do.


Okay, are you doing an intro test? (W/T) only? Has Sadie been in the indoor before?

I go with 62%.

The judge scores every movement on a scale of 0 to 10. 0 being not preformed and 10 being perfect. At schooling shows 5-8s are the usual range. 5-6 the most common. 7-8 very good scores. Rarely do you see a 9 or 10. 4's are common gimme points if you make a big mistake. Like say you're doing a test where there's a coeffiecent move (two scores for one thing) like right lead canter transistion and right lead canter circle. If you pick up the wrong lead, but you DO have a canter transistion you'll probably get a 4. You had a transistion, but to the wrong lead. See? Maybe? :lmao:

Then, at the end are collective marks. Three are on the horse and are worth x2, gaits, impulsion, submission. One is on the rider and gets x3. So, these are big scores. Basically it's how pure and correct your horse's gaits are. Four beat walk, 2 beat trot, 3 beat canter. Not lateral in walk/trot, not pacey etc. How much impulsion - forward they have and how relaxed and listening to the rider they are. The rider mark is not necessarily equtation, though it does play a part, the big thing is effectiveness of aids. Your seat is an aid. Keep thy buttocks in the saddle. :lmao:
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New Member
Sadie, I love how you are always coming up with stuff! And I do LOVE FOOD, but what test are you doing! I got to give you a number I know, but I guess if I want to be alive next week I better get off this computer and cook dinner!


Ahhhh Florida!
Sadie, I love how you are always coming up with stuff! And I do LOVE FOOD, but what test are you doing! I got to give you a number I know, but I guess if I want to be alive next week I better get off this computer and cook dinner!

You have time....:buddies: I am guessing I am doing whatever the easiest one is going to be. :lmao:


Ahhhh Florida!
I don't have to know you to take you to lunch....I just might have to invite some familiar folks to protect me. I need numbers peeps! You have 8 days I guess.


Nope, you're good to go with 63%

So, it's
60% - WWWDD
62% - Phyxius
63% - Frmgrl
65% - Integrity's Dream