Taking down a tree


Cleopatra Jones
SamSpade said:
Damn. That sounds a little like the one *I* sold. It also had a horseshoe shaped driveway and a garage. I planted roses on one side of the house, and roses in the horseshoe. It had the most beautiful hostas right in front.

In the middle of my horseshoe I have a tree, 3 flowers, a lot of onions and moss and like 5 pansies. No particular order to any of it. :lmao: That's my weekend project this weekend.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
pixiegirl said:
In the middle of my horseshoe I have a tree, 3 flowers, a lot of onions and moss and like 5 pansies. No particular order to any of it. :lmao: That's my weekend project this weekend.
The Ranch Club was where I really got started with my love for gardening - it was my first house, and I could plant crap wherever I wanted.

I also learned that some crap just won't grow wherever you want - you have to know stuff like soil alkalinity, shade, nitrogen, drainage - stuff like that. Mostly I talked to neighbors, because they knew stuff by trial and error.

Pansies can be great - I've had pansies survive an ice storm. They're fragile looking but they're hardier than crabgrass.

Seems to me that in the Ranch Club you can't go wrong with - because they're everywhere over there - azaleas, rhododendrons, Leyland cypress, euonymus, roses, hostas, pampas grass and roses of Sharon.


SamSpade said:
If it's a holly tree and you leave the stump - there's a chance it'll grow out like a bush instead of a nasty tree.

I leave about 3 ft. of the stump sticking up so I can hook a chain to it and a comealong to pull is out of the ground after I've chopped all the roots and the tap root.


Lem Putt
pixiegirl said:
I'm all for the preservation of the trees and no clear cutting. That was one of desierable things about the neighborhood and my street in particular. But with a fire bug running around and having trees and brush that practically touch my house it needs to be thinned a great deal on one side. And the tree in the front is just plain ol' ugly. :lmao:

On a positive note. I was very pleased to come home yesterday to find my little tree in the middle of my horseshoe part of my tree had blooms. I had all these trees and didn't think I had a one that flowered, I do! :yay:

Are you talking about the one last week? Are you close to that? I saw it from my bedroom.


New Member
nomoney said:
I want to get rid of my gumball trees because I hate gumballs. How do I kill them first? :lol:
Remove the bark all the way around the base of the tree. An inch wide strip should work.


Cleopatra Jones
MMDad said:
Are you talking about the one last week? Are you close to that? I saw it from my bedroom.

That one was within a few blocks and I saw it on my way to take the pig to daycare. There was one about 2 months ago that was the house directly behind me. I got woken up at 1 something in the morning to the dog absolutely carrying on. I opened my bedroom door to see what the issue was and my kitchen was illuminated. I looked out the kitchen window and the house behind me was completely engulfed! I have just about an acre and it's all back yard with a gully so there was no chance of it spreading over. It was also fairly wet outside. Still I'm concerned that if the house to the right of me ever goes up when it's dry out my house is probably toast if I don't get that brush cleared. The woods/brush between our houses is very dense; like I said before you can barely walk on the one side of my house.

BTW, you are my hero for a minute. :love: I went over and inspected said brush/woods yesterday. I'd say that 90% of it is immature trees and brush that I can take out without permission or recourse from the HOA. My ugly tree out front also branches out at about 4ft up so it's well within the 6" rule as each of the 3 branches are only 2-3" thick.