Taking expired prescription meds



Can they have any ill effects if taken 7 years after the expiration date or is it more likely they just won't work like they are supposed to? Mainly Chantix, the "stop smoking" pill. I want husband to quit smoking, not die! He wants to finally use his Chantix to quit smoking but the prescription is so old (2008).

No one can tell you it is legally safe to take expired medicine because no one has the right to go against what a doctor would say and anyone could get in trouble for that..
Why don't you have him go back to the doctor because there is a list of medicines that cost $10 or less? There might be more effective medicine because he has that medicine around and didn't quit.

You also have to realize that there are expiration dates on chemicals used for medicines and I don't know what they are. I think they have changed the rules and expiration dates.

This information isn't medical advice and this advice shouldn't be substituted for a medical doctor's advice or supersede what a doctor would say. See your doctor.


Throwing the deuces
As a guy that smoked three packs a day and did quit cold, He's bull####ting himself and you..he's just trading one habit for another. when he's really ready to quit, he will toss them in the trash and never smoke again.
weaning yourself is just prolonging the body of ridding itself of nicotine, Toss them in the trash and in two or three days your past all the cravings.
patches, gum, vaping and pills are all just another habit that you will have to break down the road..

You are probably right but it is what it is. It's his choice how he quits and if he chooses an e-cig and Chantix, then that's what will happen.

No one can tell you it is legally safe to take expired medicine because no one has the right to go against what a doctor would say and anyone could get in trouble for that..
Why don't you have him go back to the doctor because there is a list of medicines that cost $10 or less? There might be more effective medicine because he has that medicine around and didn't quit.

You also have to realize that there are expiration dates on chemicals used for medicines and I don't know what they are. I think they have changed the rules and expiration dates.

This information isn't medical advice and this advice shouldn't be substituted for a medical doctor's advice or supersede what a doctor would say. See your doctor.

He planned on quitting when he first got the Chantix back in 2008 but was nervous about the side effects so he never took it. A few years after that, he got the e-cig. Tried it a few times and stopped using it. Recently, he started having issues while sleeping where it felt like his throat was closing up (like somebody was choking him). That scared him enough to really be serious about quitting smoking. I am just happy that he has gone from a pack a day to less than 5 a day and his attitude has changed so I'll take what I can get.