A little more on this discussion...I think the biggest thing that needs to be fixed is the voter registration process. I think we should stop letting independent groups gather voter registrations. My first thought is that it would be another good service to have at post offices and you should be required to register in person and show an ID. Obviously, there would have to be provisions for people that are not mobile (postman registers you) or out of the country for an extended period of time. I'm not so sure about the fingerprint database idea, but we could have a smartcard type of voting card with the fingerprint of the person encoded into the chip. You could even buid it into a new Social Security card (another thing that I'm in favor of). That would help reduce voter fraud. You could also do voice patterning in which case you might even be able to do vote-by-phone! Of course, then you get back into the computers/no paper receipt/fraud issues.