Tampering with Food

Tainting someone's food out of anger or revenge?

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I have recently heard stories from various people about spitting in a customers drink or food after they've been mistreated by said customer. I've also been told of individuals taking out revenge on a horrible boss by spitting in their food...or dropping a rude azzhole customers food on the ground and yet serving them anyway.

I have worked in the service industry many times and I would never bring myself to do such a thing. I think it's beyond disgusting and very base.

Has anyone ever corrupted someone else's food or drink out of revenge or anger?


Not me personally, but I have seen it done. I also proceeded to snitch the person out to the boss. I don't like being a snitch but sometimes there is a call to be one. That, in my book, is truly disgusting!!!


In My Opinion
I walked through the perfume section at Hechs once and farted..
I know its not food, but basically I was still tainting their end product with my end product.

but I would not purposely taint somebodies food..

well, I did put salt in panladies coffee once,, but then she tainted my head and I never did it again.


Sweet and Innocent
Not me personally, but I have seen it done. I also proceeded to snitch the person out to the boss. I don't like being a snitch but sometimes there is a call to be one. That, in my book, is truly disgusting!!!

I would never do that no matters what. Put yourself in customers' shoes, would you like to eat food that are spitted on or dropped on the floor? Answer is "NO Way!" Then, you should treat the customers the same ways as you wanted your food and drinks to be served.
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A huge :nono: both professionally and morally.

When you grow up in an Italian kitchen you learn that when you are preparing food you aren't just adding ingredients you are adding love. When someone eats the food you create it should make them feel good as it is a reflection of you. You should also have love in your heart and positive thoughts in your head while preparing any food, even in the garden, this is a Native American way of thinking.

Sadly I do remember spitting in my step mother's coffee when I was 12, it wasn't right but she is a big ol biatch. Although I would never do something like that ever again, she deserves much more for her crimes.


A huge :nono: both professionally and morally.

When you grow up in an Italian kitchen you learn that when you are preparing food you aren't just adding ingredients you are adding love. When someone eats the food you create it should make them feel good as it is a reflection of you. You should also have love in your heart and positive thoughts in your head while preparing any food, even in the garden, this is a Native American way of thinking.

Sadly I do remember spitting in my step mother's coffee when I was 12, it wasn't right but she is a big ol biatch. Although I would never do something like that ever again, she deserves much more for her crimes.

12 years old is one thing.

Spitting into people food is very passive aggressive. I'd rather just tell someone to #### off and then go on my way.

Let's move beyond spit...what about man-juice in food? What about urine?


i love a man's forearms
I think it would be funny and I would probably get a good belly laugh watching them eat the tainted food.

I guess everyone has different morals, I just could not imagine doing something like this, and if you really think it would be funny, something is not quite right with you


New Member
I used to take bananna peels and put them on the floor at the grocery store in hopes that somone would slip and fall on one. Unfortunatly it never worked out and no one ever slipped on the bananna peel.


i love a man's forearms
I used to take bananna peels and put them on the floor at the grocery store in hopes that somone would slip and fall on one. Unfortunatly it never worked out and no one ever slipped on the bananna peel.

:killingme. ok, i know your joking about all this now. very funny


wandering aimlessly
12 years old is one thing.

Spitting into people food is very passive aggressive. I'd rather just tell someone to #### off and then go on my way.

Let's move beyond spit...what about man-juice in food? What about urine?
SUPPOSEDLY, according to a girl that worked at McDonalds, her male coworkers once peed in the pickles. Although she may have made up the story, I have since ordered all sanwiches from anywhere WITHOUT pickles.


SUPPOSEDLY, according to a girl that worked at McDonalds, her male coworkers once peed in the pickles. Although she may have made up the story, I have since ordered all sanwiches from anywhere WITHOUT pickles.

my ex husband worked for Heinz and he said that the migrant workers regularly urinated into the mix. I was unable to eat any Ketchup for quite sometime.