

Resident PIA
Education time boys and girls

is a term of abuse favored by American youngsters, designating the target as quirky, awkward, eccentric, socially inept or simply of lower status. Similar epithets include nerd and geek and the Australian colloquialism of dag which has the added feature of being seen as affable or amusing. Originally a vulgar term for "penis," the word Dork is often used without any awareness of this sense, as evidenced by its use in the syndicated family cartoon strips Garfield for February 10, 2007 and Big Nate (in the form "dorkus") for January 13, 2007.
The term implies stupidity perhaps less often than it formerly did, and paradoxically can imply an unadmirable (bookish, academic) intelligence, much as "nerd" and "geek" do.

"Dork" is a common slang personal name for the Poser 3 & 4 posable man CGI figure.

It is popularly asserted that the term originated as whalers' occupational slang for the penis of a whale, and by transfer became an anatomical insult, undergoing subsequent generalization and amelioration to its present meaning. The current state of evidence suggests that this is a case of folk etymology, as no solid documentation has been advanced for the use of the term in this context. One of the earliest documented uses of the word "dork" is a 1961 publication (referencing 1953), in which the meaning is clearly penis, but with no particular reference to whales. Instead, the term may be merely a minced oath variant of "dick", a vulgar term for a human penis. Nonetheless, the origin of the whale-reference and its widespread credit remain unexplained, and the claimed derivation is best treated as unconfirmed.

tard as suspected is slang for mental retardation, (an IQ below 70 )


All Up In Your Grill
Dork said:
I'm starting to find this a little entertaining. About twice a week, I get a red karma from someone. The only thing in the message block is the word "tard." Although I know this is short for retard and the person leaving me this message probably can't spell retard, I wonder.....Is this one person with a very low IQ and a limited vocabulary or is it common slang phrase used by many when giving Karma?

Does anyone else get this? Does anyone know who this mentally challenged person may be? I think I'll change my siggy to "tard" It kinda has a nice ring to it.

Are you sad because it wasn't ching chong ping pong karma? :shrug: That's the bestest karma you can get. :yay: You know you have truly made it on the forums when you get a shot of ching chong.


Active Member
Dork said:
I'm starting to find this a little entertaining. About twice a week, I get a red karma from someone. The only thing in the message block is the word "tard." Although I know this is short for retard and the person leaving me this message probably can't spell retard, I wonder.....Is this one person with a very low IQ and a limited vocabulary or is it common slang phrase used by many when giving Karma?

Does anyone else get this? Does anyone know who this mentally challenged person may be? I think I'll change my siggy to "tard" It kinda has a nice ring to it.

I get the Tard karma too.

But I don't really pay attention to the whole karma thing so it doesn't really bother me.


Well-Known Member
Thor said:
I get the Tard karma too.

But I don't really pay attention to the whole karma thing so it doesn't really bother me.

same here; i only received it when i initially responded to this thread


Highlander's MPD
beamher said:
same here; i only received it when i initially responded to this thread

I think I have the most tards in my Karma. I just counted 10 reds abd 11 greens. Thanks for the greens people. To those you left red :moon:


New Member
Dork said:
I think I have the most tards in my Karma. I just counted 10 reds abd 11 greens. Thanks for the greens people. To those you left red :moon:

tard 06-14-2007 08:26 AM no you are the vp of tardoville

Dork, does this make you the P of tardoville?



Baby blues
nachomama said:
Are you sad because it wasn't ching chong ping pong karma? :shrug: That's the bestest karma you can get. :yay: You know you have truly made it on the forums when you get a shot of ching chong.
True... ching chong ping pong is great...and I even got some... but Alien Watcher Karma -- Now THAT is great. That's what I'm hoping to earn now. :lmao:


Well-Known Member
Dork said:
I'm starting to find this a little entertaining. About twice a week, I get a red karma from someone. The only thing in the message block is the word "tard." Although I know this is short for retard and the person leaving me this message probably can't spell retard, I wonder.....Is this one person with a very low IQ and a limited vocabulary or is it common slang phrase used by many when giving Karma?

Does anyone else get this? Does anyone know who this mentally challenged person may be? I think I'll change my siggy to "tard" It kinda has a nice ring to it.

I get the same tard message alot. It is kind of dumb. You would think that people would try to be at least somowhat creative with the karma they send out.


All Up In Your Grill
Tinkerbell said:
True... ching chong ping pong is great...and I even got some... but Alien Watcher Karma -- Now THAT is great. That's what I'm hoping to earn now. :lmao:

I got some Alien Watcher karma today. Some of it's pretty freaking :hot:


New Member
tard 06-14-2007 03:09 PM what is my nuts in your mouth? your lucky day hussy if you don;t know the answer to your question you must be a dirty pirate with the clap- ching chong ping pong

is this alien watcher? Maybe means some alien is watching this thread and then sending me karma?? An illegal alien??


Highlander's MPD
dmh said:
tard 06-14-2007 08:26 AM no you are the vp of tardoville

Dork, does this make you the P of tardoville?


I guess it does. I can't wait to get that on my new business cards.


Highlander's MPD
dmh said:
Then can we talk about a raise? WTF? VP of tardoville? This thread is too funny.


Raise! No problem. I will double the salary that Tardoville pays you now. Hey, what logo should we put on the business cards? I was thinking about a big red dot just like the ones you see next to the karma hits.


New Member
Dork said:
I'm starting to find this a little entertaining. About twice a week, I get a red karma from someone. The only thing in the message block is the word "tard." Although I know this is short for retard and the person leaving me this message probably can't spell retard, I wonder.....Is this one person with a very low IQ and a limited vocabulary or is it common slang phrase used by many when giving Karma?

Does anyone else get this? Does anyone know who this mentally challenged person may be? I think I'll change my siggy to "tard" It kinda has a nice ring to it.
Not me!!!!!!!!!! mine alwayse come with a big YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Dork said:
Raise! No problem. I will double the salary that Tardoville pays you now. Hey, what logo should we put on the business cards? I was thinking about a big red dot just like the ones you see next to the karma hits.

ooh, I like that. I want to be CEO, the treasury department, the secretary, I want to be important, I want to be it all.

Vice President of tardoville

:getdown: (this is the closest i can get to the red dot)

our motto is we dont know much, but we dont care, because we are TARDS
