Teachers' union survey backfires, turns into 'epic self-own' for Democrats, says education policy expert


Well-Known Member
That's racist. As soon as they find that Orientals or whites learn faster, or maybe learn faster is the wrong term. let's say as soon as they find that Orientals and whites apply themselves better, that will be the end of the special classes for the more gifted.

Wait, what am I taking about. That's already been discovered and the special classes for special kids has already taken that hit.
The correct term is Asians. I'm not sure why; I've never bothered to google it.

Be that as it may, you are right about the capabilities. It has been documented, irrefutable, so they brand it racist to say out loud. Chris Rock even said it in about...2010, I think it was, that there are black people, and there are n-words.

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
I agree with you to a point about all children are entitled to an education. Once they start being animals though they should be be moved out to a different facility, military school, vocational school (prison), something that gets the non-learners from the learners.
My representative in Annapolis, Mr. Crosby, voted against this and now allows them to stay and take away learning from the students that really want an education.
Keep voting for Democrats and this is what you get.