Jet, BL--
That sounds about right to me. The more I'm thinking about it the more my arguement is just to make sure that things aren't being EXCLUDED simply because the person may have been gay or black or a woman or whatever. But you're right; pointing it out and making a big deal of it DOES seem counter productive to me.
However I disagree with Jet's statements about the right of intolerance. You HAVE the right to FEEL intolerant about any view point you want. You just can't do anything about it. You can protest against the KKK but as long as they are merely speaking ideas and aren't engaging in actions, they have every right to do what they want and you have to be tolerant of that. Same goes for Christians and gays. Christians can condemn them all they want in their own circles and preach about how they are wrong. But they must be tolerant of their lifestyle in as much as they can't interfere with their rights to life, liberty and the persuit of happiness.
I think I'm getting misunderstood here. I'm not supposing that everyone needs to think everyone is right and that no one should take a moral stance on anything. I just believe that a person's right to disagree with the majority or to live a life that is different from the norm, without being illegal, should be tolerated by other groups who would, in turn, wish that same tolerance for themselves. We set the absolute standards for behavior that you speak of, so I see no reason why we can't keep order and promote tolerance at the same time.
That sounds about right to me. The more I'm thinking about it the more my arguement is just to make sure that things aren't being EXCLUDED simply because the person may have been gay or black or a woman or whatever. But you're right; pointing it out and making a big deal of it DOES seem counter productive to me.
However I disagree with Jet's statements about the right of intolerance. You HAVE the right to FEEL intolerant about any view point you want. You just can't do anything about it. You can protest against the KKK but as long as they are merely speaking ideas and aren't engaging in actions, they have every right to do what they want and you have to be tolerant of that. Same goes for Christians and gays. Christians can condemn them all they want in their own circles and preach about how they are wrong. But they must be tolerant of their lifestyle in as much as they can't interfere with their rights to life, liberty and the persuit of happiness.
I think I'm getting misunderstood here. I'm not supposing that everyone needs to think everyone is right and that no one should take a moral stance on anything. I just believe that a person's right to disagree with the majority or to live a life that is different from the norm, without being illegal, should be tolerated by other groups who would, in turn, wish that same tolerance for themselves. We set the absolute standards for behavior that you speak of, so I see no reason why we can't keep order and promote tolerance at the same time.