

Do you like apples?
Imagine being Mark Sanchez every time you throw a poor pass next season. Or go three and out. Or even step on the field.

Sanchez better be careful if he throws a bad pass or goes 3 and out cuz the Jets might instead bring in Tebow to throw a bad pass or go 3 and out.


Perfect example of someone who knows nothing about sports spouting off....

It was actually Manning who put them in there, not the Broncos. Manning's agent came out and said that when he first started talking to all the teams. He would put the performance clauses in there that would require him to go through the same physicals he just went through every year and if he failed wouldn't be owed. Only 2 of the 5 years are guaranteed money after the physical, the rest is performance based. He feels that he can still dominate and is one of the best players in the NFL, if that's true he should get paid for it, if not....to risk to the team. I admire that.

People act like the Dr's are lying when they pass his physical, and say he's good to go. Why would a team risk anything by letting a Dr. lie? Manning, during his career has been hit less than any other QB in history, look it up. It's because he gets rid of the ball so fast. It's not like the Colts always had an extrodinary line, they had a lot of injuries over the years. The Broncos are looking to sign Jeff Saturday, and a big name at left guard, plus Dallas Clark and another RB. Manning will be fine, and Tebow will fade into the irrelevant...

....and you're an example of someone that likes to talk in circles :blahblah: He's older than Tebow and he's been injured before so that makes him more prone to injury.