Technology has gotten creepy



My husband has been talking about silver a lot the past week. I've never searched for silver, nor has he been on my PC, but now I am getting ads all over the place trying to lure me to buy silver.

And that isn't it, I made a FB post last night about needing dental work and now, I am getting tons of ads for teeth related products.

And just now, I called the car dealership to schedule a safety recall (well, I learned I am up to 3 safety recalls now) and when they answered the phone, they called me by name. My vehicle 7 years old and I have had no further contact with the dealership since I bought it. Soon after, I got a text message with my appointment date and time and my phone is asking me if I'd like to set a reminder.

cue the background music, Rockwell's - Somebody's Watching Me :shocking:



If I may ...
For your consideration ...

It called cookies that track where you've been online, as well as your phone listening to you which sends that information to those ad aggregators.



Oh wow - yeah, I have noticed the same thing. That thread was 2-3 years old and they are still doing what they shouldn't.

It just feels so wrong. :mad:


Adopt me please !
I was TALKING near my phone about buying a refrigerator and I started getting ads for refrigerators later that day. Really? I never did a search on my phone or texted anyone about it. 🤨


I was TALKING near my phone about buying a refrigerator and I started getting ads for refrigerators later that day. Really? I never did a search on my phone or texted anyone about it. 🤨

I think I am having a brain fart today. I'm sure I heard somewhere that phone's listen, but I wasn't sure I believed it at the time. Now granted, I search something on my PC and later, I see ads everywhere, social media, news pages, blah blah blah and know I got cookies but the fact your phone listens to you is :eek:

The silver thing convinced me.


Well-Known Member
From the beginning, every mobile phone has been tracked. Then as now, your phone is a two-way radio between it and the antennas. Your suitcase sized phone from the 80's never looked for an antenna, the antennas looked for it, and if you were driving the next ones were looking for you to come within their range. A process called 'triangulation' used three antennas to pin point your location. That was about 35 years ago.

Now, every 'Smart' phone has GPS and you can be zapped from outer space by the satellite like a bug under a magnifying glass. AI is here and it's going to kill us all one day.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
From the beginning, every mobile phone has been tracked. Then as now, your phone is a two-way radio between it and the antennas. Your suitcase sized phone from the 80's never looked for an antenna, the antennas looked for it, and if you were driving the next ones were looking for you to come within their range. A process called 'triangulation' used three antennas to pin point your location. That was about 35 years ago.

Now, every 'Smart' phone has GPS and you can be zapped from outer space by the satellite like a bug under a magnifying glass. AI is here and it's going to kill us all one day.


I was TALKING near my phone about buying a refrigerator and I started getting ads for refrigerators later that day. Really? I never did a search on my phone or texted anyone about it.
I'm surprised that hasn't led to any lawsuits yet.


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised that hasn't led to any lawsuits yet.
There have been lawsuits. They lost because it's not happening. It's either a coincidence, or much more often matched associate interest. Meaning they know (from facebook and other social media sites) who you talk to most often. They know what those people are searching for and are interested in. So if your significant other or best friend is looking at new cars or refrigerators then you may start seeing advertisements for the same thing. This may happen dozens or hundreds of times and every once in a while it will seem like magic. For instance you and your friend just watched the same TV episode and it reminded both of you that you wanted something, lets say a kitchenaid mixer. Your friend at their house starts searching for mixers online, while you at your house mention to your spouse/kids that maybe it would be nice if Santa got you a new mixer for Christmas this year. Then the next morning you see adds for mixers and say "Dammit, this phone is listening to me!"