Teen Peddlers


100% Goapele Head!
Fox 5 @ 10pm aired an investigation. Check the website for the link or story.

I just want to say that last summer a teen girl knocked on my door and as the news lady said she asked for a glass of water after realizing that she was not getting anywhere with me through her pitch. She was nice enough and really sweet enough. But when I refused to pay the outrageous amount for a subscription to a magazine I didn't really want she became fired up because she had filled out the form for the sale. Well you didn't tell me that I had to buy three years and that one year was not allowed. Hmmm... I soon ridded her of my residence.

Following in the fall came two more teens (the guy did not look like a teen). He did however look like Jason Priestley or Brandon from Beverly Hills 90210. The last girl was a hyper little thing totally put me on guard and all of them had the same story that they were selling magazines so they could get a scholarship for school. I did not let the last two in the house and I did tell them I had already turned down someone else.

They were some pleading individuals but I was not budging after the girl had sort of went off on me. So I would like to know if anyone else has experienced this or know of anyone who has? In the news segment an elderly lady was killed and a husband was roughed up and his wife verbally abused but the police was involved for both cases (I think the first one too definitely the second one).

Thanks in advance. Fox5dc.com


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Back in Los Altos (who had a non door-to-door law) I was approached by some dirtbag selling magazines. I told him he on private property and I wasn't interested, so he walks out into the road and started calling me all sorts of names, You rich beyotch who thinks you're so better than us, among a lot of obsenities and wouldn't quit.

Secret weapon have I. I got my dog all riled up and cut her loose and she chased him down the street barking and nipping at his heels.

She came back head held high with a huge grin on her furry face ever so proud of herself. :lmao:


It Wasn't Me
We had 2 of them call at my door one day, they coulda only been about 16 or 17 and i swear one of them was high on something, talk about not being able to focus, crazy letting these people into your home.


100% Goapele Head!
RoseRed said:
Back in Los Altos (who had a non door-to-door law) I was approached by some dirtbag selling magazines. I told him he on private property and I wasn't interested, so he walks out into the road and started calling me all sorts of names, You rich beyotch who thinks you're so better than us, among a lot of obsenities and wouldn't quit.

Secret weapon have I. I got my dog all riled up and cut her loose and she chased him down the street barking and nipping at his heels.

She came back head held high with a huge grin on her furry face ever so proud of herself. :lmao:

Oh how I do like you both. Good story to be told in all this horror. :yay:


100% Goapele Head!
Hawk said:
We had 2 of them call at my door one day, they coulda only been about 16 or 17 and i swear one of them was high on something, talk about not being able to focus, crazy letting these people into your home.

The first one caught me off guard because I thought she lived in my TH community. Because I wouldnt think that people would let their kids travel to another community. And yes that was crazy, lesson learned after the first time, believe me.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
LexiGirl75 said:
Oh how I do like you both. Good story to be told in all this horror. :yay:

The dogs also worked great every Satuday morning at 7am when the missionarries from the Mormon Church would come to the door trying to recruit. We finally got them to stop it. Sister's b/f had on a pair of boxers and showed his tattoos, cigarette hanging out of his mouth and holding a long neck Bud, along with Running with the Devil playing in the background... :lmao:

They never came back. Problem solved! :yahoo:


100% Goapele Head!
It's a shame you have to go through that because if you tell the first group no thanks a new groups come each following weekend. Soon you have to send a letter out or just get a man to be a man like sister's bf. I would have loved to have seen all of their expressions and I bet they are still telling the story lol.


Lem Putt
RoseRed said:
The dogs also worked great every Satuday morning at 7am when the missionarries from the Mormon Church would come to the door trying to recruit. We finally got them to stop it. Sister's b/f had on a pair of boxers and showed his tattoos, cigarette hanging out of his mouth and holding a long neck Bud, along with Running with the Devil playing in the background... :lmao:

They never came back. Problem solved! :yahoo:

What do you have against us Mormon's?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
What do you have against us Mormon's?

Nothing, except for them knocking on my door each and every weekend at stupid hours. The church was around the corner from us so it easy for them to go around the block week after week after week...


Lem Putt
RoseRed said:
Nothing, except for them knocking on my door each and every weekend at stupid hours. The church was around the corner from us so it easy for them to go around the block week after week after week...

Just kidding. Although the Mormons consider me to hold their priesthood, I have not called myself Mormon for about 20 years.

They still knock on my door. About two years after we were married, my wife answered the phone. They asked if I would host their singles group. My wife was indignant when she said no, and when she told me the story. I had to explain to her that since I only had one wife, I was technically single to the Mormons.

Also, I never did the door-to-door crap that you remember, but I have stories that are far worse.


No Longer the Kid
RoseRed said:
The dogs also worked great every Satuday morning at 7am when the missionarries from the Mormon Church would come to the door trying to recruit.

Funny how there all afriad of dogs... :lmao: I do the same thing with my Rotti... :yay:


professional daydreamer
LexiGirl75 said:
Fox 5 @ 10pm aired an investigation. Check the website for the link or story.

I just want to say that last summer a teen girl knocked on my door and as the news lady said she asked for a glass of water after realizing that she was not getting anywhere with me through her pitch. She was nice enough and really sweet enough. But when I refused to pay the outrageous amount for a subscription to a magazine I didn't really want she became fired up because she had filled out the form for the sale. Well you didn't tell me that I had to buy three years and that one year was not allowed. Hmmm... I soon ridded her of my residence.

Following in the fall came two more teens (the guy did not look like a teen). He did however look like Jason Priestley or Brandon from Beverly Hills 90210. The last girl was a hyper little thing totally put me on guard and all of them had the same story that they were selling magazines so they could get a scholarship for school. I did not let the last two in the house and I did tell them I had already turned down someone else.

They were some pleading individuals but I was not budging after the girl had sort of went off on me. So I would like to know if anyone else has experienced this or know of anyone who has? In the news segment an elderly lady was killed and a husband was roughed up and his wife verbally abused but the police was involved for both cases (I think the first one too definitely the second one).

Thanks in advance. Fox5dc.com

Do you have a headline or something? The link just goes to the main page.


RoseRed said:
Secret weapon have I. I got my dog all riled up and cut her loose and she chased him down the street barking and nipping at his heels.

She came back head held high with a huge grin on her furry face ever so proud of herself. :lmao:

Note: Don't go to Rose's house selling stuff. She's probably trained her cat to attack. :lmao:


New Member
As soon as someone I don't know knocks on my door, first off I do not open it and second I tell them no thank you, and don't come back. :buttkick:

LexiGirl75 said:
Fox 5 @ 10pm aired an investigation. Check the website for the link or story.
I just want to say that last summer a teen girl knocked on my door and as the news lady said she asked for a glass of water after realizing that she was not getting anywhere with me through her pitch. She was nice enough and really sweet enough. But when I refused to pay the outrageous amount for a subscription to a magazine I didn't really want she became fired up because she had filled out the form for the sale. Well you didn't tell me that I had to buy three years and that one year was not allowed. Hmmm... I soon ridded her of my residence.
. Fox5dc.com


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Vince said:
Note: Don't go to Rose's house selling stuff. She's probably trained her cat to attack. :lmao:

Naw, I send them downstairs to the old bitty, she hates everyone. :lmao:


No Longer the Kid
What I hated, was when I was living in my old neighborhood, it would be like, Thursday afternoon, and van would pull up at the end of the street, and out would come 9-10 of them..haha... 2-3 in each group, and they would all hit all the houses at once....Dependin on the age, would depend on the response at the door... younger kids, I would open the door, and let them know that Im not interested, have a nice evening....

The next day, same van, same time, new group....its like they would switch the groups for each house hoping for a different answer... but when I got the teens, or older people...I would tell them not interested, thanks anyway, please dont come back...if they started that have a broshure, thjink about this stuff... I would tell them I will let my son decide, tell them Ill go get them....shut the door, get my Rotti, (he's police K9 trained) , say a certain word to him that would just make him bark kinda loud, mean sounding at anyone he seen, and didn know.... so Id open the door back up holdin his collar...he'd jump around, barkin, and Id be like, I think thats a no... but normally they had ran off by the time I said that.....


Bad thing, is if I dont say 1 of 2 certain words to my dog, he's a sissy :roflmao:

Lil punk chewed up my chapstick last night


off the shelf
It's not just magazines either

....a couple times a year there is a small pick-up that drives around my neighborhood with this huge freezer on the back and two guys in it....they pull up in the driveway if your standing outside and try to sell you beef of all things....

I work out of my garage and I keep the dog out there with me(shes 150lb black lab-Rotti mix)....these guys come pulling up in my driveway a while back....the dog went nuts!....she had her front paws up on the passengers window growling and barking....needless to say they didn't stay long :lmao:
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onebdzee said:
It's not just magazines either

....a couple times a year there is a small pick-up that drives around my neighborhood with this huge freezer on the back and two guys in it....they pull up in the driveway if your standing outside and try to sell you beef of all things....
I've had that happen too. Like I'm going to buy meat out of a truck that I don't know where it's come from, if it's been refrigerated, etc. Sure.... :sarcasm: