I was called by an administrator of my 13 year old son's Waldorf middle school a couple of months back concerning a cell phone video going around the school of a 7th grade femake students sexual rendezous. Evidently is spread around the school and unknown to me, had become an incident the school thought was "cleaned up". The story alledgely resurfaced when someone wrote about it on the girl's bathroom wall.
My son (the gossip - chip off the old block, I guess) was overheard discussing it with friends. The school searched his locker for a cell phone (I don't allow him to have one.)
The school told the girl was embarrassed and having problems walking down the hall. Her family was comsidering what actions they could take against other students, which I found laughable.
I've heard no more about it, but when I explained to my 13 year old the situation and to keep his mouth shut and be sensitive about the "story" - I'm certain it had the same effect as pouring gasoline on a fire.
Kids don't realize once they committ their indiscretions onto a digital media and share with even the best of friends - it is around forever.
My heart goes out to the little girl, but she has 2 options - learn to live with her mistake or move. Teenagers aren't known to be gentle or forgetful with scandal.
Folks, talk to your kids - I have a 13 year old and a 17 year old - they know SOO much more than I did at their ages. It is almost scary...