Terrorism and the Media

Outlaw media

  • Yes I think the media should be outlawed

    Votes: 11 55.0%
  • No I don't think the media should be outlawed

    Votes: 9 45.0%

  • Total voters


Time to rant...
I'm sick and tired of seeing pictures and hearing about hostages and terrorism.
Is the United Nations, America and the world media all retarded ?
I think so!
If you want to exterminate clowns, you get rid of the circus.

Terrorism can only work if there is publicity.
So if you take away all media, what do they have...Nothing!
Just an act of madness.
No way of claiming the cruel act, No way of trying to justify it to the world.
No way of demanding anything and no way of announcing what sick sorry ass group their from or their sick sorry ass cause.

As far as I'm concerned, the media is the biggest tool that terrorist have and with out they have nothing.

The new rule of the world ,that should be enforced by the United Nations anti terrorism act.

No journalism of any type is to be done on any terrorist or terrorist act, anywhere in the world.
Anyone caught making films, photos, written articles of any kind,
about any terrorist , terrorist acts or of any terrorist causes, Shall be consederd a Journalist or a Terrorist.
Journalist caught making any terrorist act or terrorist demand public, shall be considered aids to terrorism and shall be executed as a terrorist of the world.

Journalist caught with any depictions or written articles of terrorism and acts of terrorism, shall be charged with conspiracy to aid terrorism and shall serve a minimum of 20 years in prison. :yay:
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Working for the weekend
gumbo said:
Time to rant...
I'm sick and tired of seeing pictures and hearing about hostages and terrorism.
Is the United Nations, America and the world media all retarded ?
I think so!
If you want to exterminate clowns, you get rid of the circus.

Terrorism can only work if there is publicity.
So if you take away all media, what do have...Nothing!
Just an act of madness.
No way of claiming the cruel act, No way of trying to justify it to the world.
No way of demanding anything and no way of announcing what sick sorry ass group their from or their sick sorry ass cause.

As far as I'm concerned the media is the biggest tool that terrorist have and with out they have nothing.

The new rule of the world ,that should be enforced by the United Nations anti terrorism act.

No journalism of any type is to be done on any terrorist or terrorist act, anywhere in the world.
Anyone caught making films, photos, written articles of any kind,
about any terrorist , terrorist acts or of any terrorist causes, Shall be consederd a Journalist or a Terrorist.
Journalist caught making any terrorist act or terrorist demand public, shall be considered aids to terrorism and shall be executed as a terrorist of the world.

Journalist caught with any depictions or written articles of terrorism and acts of terrorism, shall be charged with conspiracy to aid terrorism and shall serve a minimum of 20 years in prison.

Gee........I never thought of that. It is a very good point! Unfortunately, I do not think it would ever happen. If journalists can report on what is in a celebrities trash, you know they will continue to report on all the hostages being held.


curiouser and curiouser
I'm with ya on the terrorists using the media as a tool to further aid their cause. But I don't think it's as simple as not allowing the media to report on terrorism. 9/11 was a terrorist act, can you imagine if it had never been reported? Peoples' lives and daily activities were greatly affected, we couldn't not have it in the news.


New Member
What i think is so stupid about the media is how they come on the news and say "Good thing the terrorists havent done so and so because it would really hurt us". Well whatever it is, the terrorists hadnt thought of it, but NOW, they dont have to, since we just told them what to do. When they came on and said "it is going to be decided, whether or not hazmat (or something) trains, can continue to run through the city. If terrorists got ahold of them, there could be no telling how much damage they could do" then a lil while later they come and say, "hazmat will not be prohibited from running through DC". If they hadnt thought of that before, there they go. Its like the media tells us too much information, its hard to explain.


Nickel said:
I'm with ya on the terrorists using the media as a tool to further aid their cause. But I don't think it's as simple as not allowing the media to report on terrorism. 9/11 was a terrorist act, can you imagine if it had never been reported? Peoples' lives and daily activities were greatly affected, we couldn't not have it in the news.
I agree ..But it's the only way it's ever going to stop..
Must we really know of all the tragedy these sadistic freaks do.
I thinks it's a small price to pay considering others are paying with their lifes.


curiouser and curiouser
gumbo said:
I agree ..But it's the only way it's ever going to stop..
Must we really know of all the tragedy these sadistic freaks do.
I thinks it's a small price to pay considering others are paying with their lifes.
I really don't think that being an uninformed country is the way to go about fixing the problem. Maybe if there were less media bias, or the citizens of this country weren't so gullible and didn't believe everything that was spoonfed to them, we'd be a little better off.


Nickel said:
I really don't think that being an uninformed country is the way to go about fixing the problem. Maybe if there were less media bias, or the citizens of this country weren't so gullible and didn't believe everything that was spoonfed to them, we'd be a little better off.
Then you come up with another way to stop it.
With out the media, what would be their point?


curiouser and curiouser
gumbo said:
Then you come up with another way to stop it.
With out the media, what would be their point?
I don't have a way to stop terrorism, if I did I'd be making mega bucks. :lol:

While I agree that terrorists use the media to their advantage, I disagree that it is the be all and end all of their existence. Terrorism has been in society for centuries...way before the media. Their purpose is to get their point across by force, sort of a "shock and awe" type of thing. Their motives are religious and political. At the end of the day, they count their wins based on death tolls and how far their ideas are being spread, and the media is only a piece of that pie. In this day and age, knowledge is power, so yes, the media is used to their advantage, but I can promise you that if we just ignored them, they would not go away.


The only media that should be "imbedded" or anywhere near an area of conflict should be military personnel who have that as their job/MOS/NEC, whatever you want to call it. That way there is no spin. No political agendas. No civilians getting in the way. These guys should be trained for combat as well. You see the footage from the eyes of the troops. And all media content would have to be approved by the Public Affairs Office. Yes it expensive, but I feel that is the best way.


Nickel said:
I don't have a way to stop terrorism, if I did I'd be making mega bucks. :lol:

While I agree that terrorists use the media to their advantage, I disagree that it is the be all and end all of their existence. Terrorism has been in society for centuries...way before the media. Their purpose is to get their point across by force, sort of a "shock and awe" type of thing. Their motives are religious and political. At the end of the day, they count their wins based on death tolls and how far their ideas are being spread, and the media is only a piece of that pie. In this day and age, knowledge is power, so yes, the media is used to their advantage, but I can promise you that if we just ignored them, they would not go away.
I didn't say anything about ignoring them.
The governments in the world should hunt them down and exterminate them like rats.
However their moral is boosted every time the media shows their acts, not to mention their numbers increase by the ignorant asses that see it on the media.
They are a bunch of attention whores! Why do you think they hit the world trade center. The key word being world.
They wanted world wide recognition for their acts.
"Look at us we hit the world through the worlds greatest power".
And what did the media do? They gave them recognition.

They grow and feed off of the attention of the media.
They are counting on us needing and demanding to stay informed.
They attack innocent people in heavily public places because they want the peoples attention so their cause will be heard.
I say trust our government to rid us of this scum and stop informing us of their vile acts on humanity.
And I find it rather selfish, that the need to be informed would over shadow the need to at least slow down the growth of terrorism.
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It's all about the ratings and who's number 1 on the tube. What it boils down to is whoever gets the story get the big bucks. They don't care about what it will or could do to the public. I think the media should be removed from a war zone period. They don't seem to report the story the way it really happens. They report it so it sells! Ban them!!!!


Dancing Up A Storm
dustin said:
The only media that should be "imbedded" or anywhere near an area of conflict should be military personnel who have that as their job/MOS/NEC, whatever you want to call it. That way there is no spin. No political agendas. No civilians getting in the way. These guys should be trained for combat as well. You see the footage from the eyes of the troops. And all media content would have to be approved by the Public Affairs Office. Yes it expensive, but I feel that is the best way.
This would be an effective way to control the coverage, I think. We've got too many "journalists" in the field covering these events.
They give away too much information to the terrorists during their reporting, and spin the tragic news out of proportion.

It's as though they're trying to turn this war action in Iraq into another Vietnam-type story. Hell, they already are!!

Either get them out of there, or make damn sure the news story is screened by the military news facilities. JMHO

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Terrorists don't need the media anymore. Any dillweed with a digital camera and an internet connection can become the media in the flash of a moment.


I bowl overhand
Terrorists use the media, and the media plays along, then the Army tries to pay to tell the truth and the media rakes them across the coals makes them the bad guys. I was supposed to see Col Hickey, he was to give a presentation to our class, but due to a family emergency we got to see his presentation to the faculty of JHU upon his return to the US. Col Hickey was a Brigade Commander in the 4th Infantry Division and led the troops that captured Saddam, using a mixed bag of soldiers from the 4th Inf, 10th Cavalry, Engineering assets, Artillery and Air (Apaches).

Though the capture of Saddam was an historic event, the desrciption of the area his men occupied was VERY intriguing compared to what you hear in the news. His command covered most of the Sunni Triangle, centered right on TIKRIT. He told of the booming economy in his area. You want a Mercedes? HDTV? Surround Sound? You could buy it a shop in any of the towns in his area. Infrastructure was in place and working very well.. 24 hour electric, running water and sewer. Less then 10% (he put the number closer to <5%) were against the Americans being there. Most of the people shooting at Americans were mercenaries, untrained, undiscipined, just trying to make a buck. they would shoot and run, RARELY would they stand and fight. He had an IED problem in his area, he fixed it. Now the Iraqui fighters blow themselves up more then they do anybody else. They don't have the time nor the assetts to plant IED's like they use to, they don't have the public support so they can't trust anyone anymore. They actually have resorted to throwing IED's out of moving cars usually killing themselves. Col Hickey employed MANY Iraquis to keep the streets clean so everyday they could tell where the IED's were. There was no trash, no broken down cars etc. He had to turn away 300 - 400 Iraqui's a WEEK from joining the Iraqui defense forces,, there wasn't enough money to pay all the men that wanted to join.

Within (I think he said) two months of his units arrival to the area, the insurgents had no more RPG's. Through the local poplulation, and through recon, they located and destroyed over 21 MILLION pounds of ammo and explosives just in their area, totally removing the RPG from the insurgent arsenal. That's when they had to resort to IED's.

He talked about the number of attacks on his men (and yes i can say men, these are combat units, no women) in their area. The high about 7 or 8 months prior to him leaving the country was about 130 - 150 attacks a month.. From that thigh they decreased drastically where the last two months he was in country there were ZERO attacks on anyone in his area.

Booming Economy, working infrastructure, Iraqui's working, support for Americans in the most pro-Saddam portion of the country. Insurgents totally defeated, no weapons to speak of to use against anyone....

Yet we hear NONE of this good news from our media.. OR from our Democratic congressmen, or Senators... According to them we are failing miserably, we are in a Vietnam like quagmire.. We ARE being successful, more so then anyone can imagine, yet all we get inundated with EVERY day is what the media wants us to hear, yet our media claims to be "neutral" only reporting the truth?
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I bowl overhand
gumbo said:
Time to rant...
I'm sick and tired of seeing pictures and hearing about hostages and terrorism.
Is the United Nations, America and the world media all retarded ?
I think so!
If you want to exterminate clowns, you get rid of the circus.

Terrorism can only work if there is publicity.
So if you take away all media, what do they have...Nothing!
Just an act of madness.
No way of claiming the cruel act, No way of trying to justify it to the world.
No way of demanding anything and no way of announcing what sick sorry ass group their from or their sick sorry ass cause.

As far as I'm concerned, the media is the biggest tool that terrorist have and with out they have nothing.

The new rule of the world ,that should be enforced by the United Nations anti terrorism act.

No journalism of any type is to be done on any terrorist or terrorist act, anywhere in the world.
Anyone caught making films, photos, written articles of any kind,
about any terrorist , terrorist acts or of any terrorist causes, Shall be consederd a Journalist or a Terrorist.
Journalist caught making any terrorist act or terrorist demand public, shall be considered aids to terrorism and shall be executed as a terrorist of the world.

Journalist caught with any depictions or written articles of terrorism and acts of terrorism, shall be charged with conspiracy to aid terrorism and shall serve a minimum of 20 years in prison. :yay:
You're talking about re-writing the Bill of Rights.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
The media is protected in the United States by the First Amendment. For all the current media's faults without it government would be more out of control than it already is.

The bias of the media is the consumers of the media fault. It the consumers would raise the :bs: flag when the media slants a story or does not cover the story equally from all sides, the media outlets would change due to market pressure. The problem in our culture is the general populace does not have the will to find out the truth because everyone is drinking their own brand of Kool Aide.

There is little to no integrity in the media because there is little to no integrity in society.


Dancing Up A Storm
2ndAmendment said:
The media is protected in the United States by the First Amendment. For all the current media's faults without it government would be more out of control than it already is.

The bias of the media is the consumers of the media fault. It the consumers would raise the :bs: flag when the media slants a story or does not cover the story equally from all sides, the media outlets would change due to market pressure.[/QUOTE]

Problem is - even if the media got LOTS of disagrreable mail/e-mail from listeners/watchers of TV, would they ever reveal them? Would they even admit it if they did? So, how would we even know if they did get it?

I haven't seen any feedback to that end on the MSM outlets. MSNBC and Fox News will provide feedback at the end of their shows, both good and bad.

Somehow, I don't think the MSM will do that. They would be admitting they're biased then.


Ken King said:
Terrorists don't need the media anymore. Any dillweed with a digital camera and an internet connection can become the media in the flash of a moment.
Thats really not like International News headlines now is it.
And I really doubt, that most of these idiots that are being recruited even know how to use a computer to find a Internet site.