Terrorism and the Media

Outlaw media

  • Yes I think the media should be outlawed

    Votes: 11 55.0%
  • No I don't think the media should be outlawed

    Votes: 9 45.0%

  • Total voters


itsbob said:
You're talking about re-writing the Bill of Rights.
Not really....Just declaring some kind of Marshal Law over the media.
Sometimes rules have to go out the window, especially when your opponent is using them to kick your butt.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
gumbo said:
Thats really not like International News headlines now is it.
And I really doubt, that most of these idiots that are being recruited even know how to use a computer to find a Internet site.
But it is how most of their crap gets to Al Jazeera, then out to CNN and the rest of the world.

And they are computer literate enough to embed coded messages within pictures and other items for transmission to the end users. Don’t discount their abilities because they aren’t as sophisticated as you. :sarcasm:


=Ken King]But it is how most of their crap gets to Al Jazeera, then out to CNN and the rest of the world.
Why do they get it out to the rest of the world ?

And they are computer literate enough to embed coded messages within pictures and other items for transmission to the end users. Don’t discount their abilities because they aren’t as sophisticated as you. :sarcasm
I never said there isn't any smart ones in the bunch.
I'm talking about the mass bulk,your basic recruits, the idiots that believe they will be rewarded with 12 wifes if they die for the cause.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
gumbo said:
Why do they get it out to the rest of the world ?
Just like everyone else with a message, they want to be heard; they want to sway opinion, bolster their cause, spit in the face of the "Evil Satan", maintain the status quo, or show that they are powerful. The reasons are as many as the number of psychos out there.

The media shows it because it riles people up and gains them viewers that bolster their ratings thus increasing their revenues. The more outrageous or sensational the more they desire to carry it. We humans seem to thrive on it and the media is exploiting this and they bust their tails to feed the frenzy. Today’s technology intensifies and exaggerates the impact by spreading the events at the speed of light and over an area greater in size then ever before.
I never said there isn't any smart ones in the bunch.
I'm talking about the mass bulk,your basic recruits, the idiots that believe they will be rewarded with 12 wifes if they die for the cause.
It is my belief that the average ones over there are doing as they always have, which is going along with whatever their tribe does. If the chief/war lord says fight, then they fight, it’s that simple and it's always been that way for them as they know no better. If they are told to grow poppies then that is what they do. All they know is that refusal typically results in extreme punishment or death for them, their family, and sometimes an entire village. Freedom of action and thought are things that they simply don’t have a concept or understanding of. For some the idea that being a great and fearless warrior revered and remembered in legend is the greatest thing in the world for them even if the result is their death. Many of their cultural beliefs and concepts are right out of the dark ages and are as foreign to us as our way of life is to them.

The hostage taking and brutality inflicted by the capturers is designed for one thing and one thing only, that being to get those here in our nation and Europe to call for a halt to the changes being imposed and facilitated. The terrorists know that most “civilized” people won’t stomach the gruesomeness of what they are doing to our people that are captured and they have seen that there are a lot of people that would rather “cut and run” then to bring an end to those that use these types of tactics. It is their intent to exploit that tendency and play upon these differences to divide us from within. It is a sound tactic for if we are fighting amongst ourselves we cannot focus as needed at taking the fight to them.
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Ken King said:
The hostage taking and brutality inflicted by the capturers is designed for one thing and one thing only, that being to get those here in our nation and Europe to call for a halt to the changes being imposed and facilitated. The terrorists know that most “civilized” people won’t stomach the gruesomeness of what they are doing to our people that are captured and they have seen that there are a lot of people that would rather “cut and run” then to bring an end to those that use these types of tactics. It is their intent to exploit that tendency and play upon these differences to divide us from within. It is a sound tactic for if we are fighting amongst ourselves we cannot focus as needed at taking the fight to them.
Exactly! So why not out law the media from aiding their evil intentions ?
What triggered me to write this poll, was a picture of some hostages in USA Today.
One of the terrorist had a rocket launcher pointed at the hostages in room.
My first thought was, "What a Effin IDIOT"! Way over kill, don't this jackass know what will happen if he pulls the trigger on that thing in a building.
Then it hit me, that it's all for show, and as I thought more I realized, every thing they do is for show. "Idea" Take away the audience !
What's a Clown without a Circus ? "Just another Bozo"!

BTW.. Thank you for your insight.