Terrorism wins!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Hamas' top official told Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday the Islamic militant group is ready for a partnership after defeating the ruling Fatah Party in parliamentary elections - a shocking upset sure to throw Mideast peacemaking into turmoil.

This lays to rest any starry-eyed misconceptions we might have had about the Palestinians wanting to work toward peace, huh Ken King?


This will not doubt cause Israel to vote Benjamin (Big Stick) Netanyahu back in to replace Sharon.

It is UFB with the concessions Israel has finally made that these pigs would vote in Hamas.

One step forward ...two steps back.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Reading the accompanying article it seems that negotiations with Israel will still be conducted by the PLO President Abbas, so there is some stability there. What it looks like to me will happen is that Palestine will be battling amongst themselves more and less with others as the Hamas led government forms. If Hamas tries to implement strict Islamic functioning they might just encounter a civil-war of sorts and not have the time, effort, or people to worry about any others.


Wickedwrench said:
They have been at it for so long.................does anyone really think they want change?:shrug:

Like those in public housing, living off of the taxpayers, they just want……….


Well-Known Member
I know there is a reasonable explanation for this but how did they win?

From the AP:
Hamas Win Unsettles Peace Process
Supporters of the Islamic group Hamas celebrate the results of their group in the Palestinian parliamentary elections in the West Bank town of Hebron Wednesday Jan. 25, 2006. According to an exit poll by Bir Zeit Universityt Hamas took 39.5 percent of the vote in the elections on Wednesday and the ruling Fatah Party 46.4 percent. (AP Photo/Nasser Shyoukhi)

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
willie said:
I know there is a reasonable explanation for this but how did they win?

From the AP:
Hamas Win Unsettles Peace Process
Supporters of the Islamic group Hamas celebrate the results of their group in the Palestinian parliamentary elections in the West Bank town of Hebron Wednesday Jan. 25, 2006. According to an exit poll by Bir Zeit Universityt Hamas took 39.5 percent of the vote in the elections on Wednesday and the ruling Fatah Party 46.4 percent. (AP Photo/Nasser Shyoukhi)
Exit polls mean little when the guy asking who you voted for has an AK-47. You tell him what he wants to hear.


This Space for Rent
Ken King said:
If Hamas tries to implement strict Islamic functioning they might just encounter a civil-war of sorts and not have the time, effort, or people to worry about any others.

That is exactly what I think is happening more and more this year among Palestinians. Have you noticed the unprecedented numbers of killings among their own parties? The problem I foresee is that I think the more aborrhent organizations are going to be the winners in the end... they have the firepower and the extraodinary lust for extreme violence. Not to mention the unwavering support of Iran, Syria, and other extremist governments.


Well-Known Member
Ken King said:
Exit polls mean little when the guy asking who you voted for has an AK-47. You tell him what he wants to hear.

You are correct....this was way down in ¶ 31:
Palestinian pollsters were at a loss to explain the discrepancy between the exit polls and the reality. It may have been partly due to a reluctance by some voters to admit to pollsters that they were abandoning the ruling party


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
Exit polls mean little when the guy asking who you voted for has an AK-47. You tell him what he wants to hear.
And, as 2004 taught us, exit polls don't mean diddly.


The heat from a nuclear explosion is approx 300,000 degrees C. Heat required to turn silica (sand) into glass is 1985 degrees C. Middle East = Glass parking lot. We're running short of parking space. :shrug:
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Lovin' being Texican
willie said:
You are correct....this was way down in ¶ 31:
Palestinian pollsters were at a loss to explain the discrepancy between the exit polls and the reality. It may have been partly due to a reluctance by some voters to admit to pollsters that they were abandoning the ruling party

Hmmmmm, shades of the Albert ("I invented the internet") Gore win in 2K!


Actually I think it will soften Hamas, however what it does to the Palastinians as a whole is more iffy.

What does a politician do more than anything while in power, he tries to stay in power. Therefore I believe they will not want to take a hard stance on anything, even Israel.


This Space for Rent