As usual, some people tend to like to resort to stereotypes, shaped by watching the widely televised actions of the bad apples in the bushel, to judge the actions of others. Do some of you really believe that there is this Vast Terrorist Wing Conspiracy amongst the Palestinians, and that this election was some referendum on death to the Jews and let's incinerate America?
What's rule number 1 in American politics? Answer: All Politics Are Local. What makes you think that anything is different over there? The Palestinian people have been deludged with reports of billions of dollars in foreign aid coming into their country and disappearing into the Swiss bank accounts of Arafat and his cronies, paying for Arafat's wife to live like a queen in Paris, etc. Unlike the Democratic kool-aid drinkers here in the U.S., I think that the Palestinians payed a bit closer attention to all those stories and didn't buy the denials and lies coming from the political leadership. Hamas capitalized on this by using money that they were getting to buy, aside from weapons, medicines and food for the people.
Hamas won because the Palestinians were tired of getting robbed by the Fatah party, and Hamas was the only party that had ever given them anything.