

But wait, there's more...
I know some would say it's about time :lol:, but I'm concerned that I might have tetanus/lockjaw. I don't know when my last booster was, but I'm sure I had one at some point while I was in the military, but I got out 10 years ago, and don't know if I've had one since.

Yesterday, we were out working in the yard, and my arm brushed against a metal piece of fence, which put a good 9" scratch down my arm. It didn't go really deep -- only enough to have a little blood along the scratch -- but it did cut the skin, nonetheless. I washed it several times -- immediately after it happened and throughout the day -- as we were working in the yard from about 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The scratch happened around 10:30.

Around 8:30 or 9 last night, I started noticing that the left side of my jaw (at the joint) was feeling sore, and it's still sore this morning. I didn't do anything otherwise that would have hurt my jaw yesterday (minds out of the gutter, please :nono:) so I can only wonder if it's related to this scratch. I looked on WebMD, and they said symptoms would start to show anywhere from a day to 14 days. Otherwise, I'm sore this morning (e.g. my back aches a little) but I'm chalking that up to the amount of work I did yesterday.

Are there other symptoms (e.g., funny marks on the skin) that would also show in connection with tetanus? I plan to call my doctor tomorrow to see if she did a tetanus booster when I had my physical last year ... I just don't remember ... and if not, and this pain in my jaw continues, I'll go in to have it checked out. Just curious in the mean time if there are other things I should be looking for. :shrug:
What are the symptoms?

Tetanus symptoms appear slowly and get worse over time. The time it takes for symptoms to appear after a cut or injury ranges from days to months. In most cases, symptoms of tetanus appear within 14 days.

Tetanus symptoms often begin with a headache and trouble opening your mouth (lockjaw). You also may have trouble swallowing and/or a stiff neck, back, or shoulders.

As the toxin spreads, it can be deadly. It can cause problems with your blood pressure and heart rate. It can cause severe and painful muscle spasms in your neck, arms, legs, and belly. If spasms continue and get worse, they can break bones, including the spine.

Tetanus-Topic Overview

Get thee to a doc for a booster ......


But wait, there's more...
Thanks ...

Tetanus-Topic Overview

Get thee to a doc for a booster ......

but I already read that.

I looked on WebMD, and they said symptoms would start to show anywhere from a day to 14 days.

I'm curious about anything else they might not have mentioned, like funny marks on the skin or anything like that. Or is it likely for the symptoms to show sooner (e.g., less than 12 hours).

I have pain in my back/neck/shoulders as well, but I'm chalking that up to the amount of work and digging/planting I did yesterday.
Thanks ...

but I already read that.

I'm curious about anything else they might not have mentioned, like funny marks on the skin or anything like that. Or is it likely for the symptoms to show sooner (e.g., less than 12 hours).

I have pain in my back/neck/shoulders as well, but I'm chalking that up to the amount of work and digging/planting I did yesterday.

Oops. It's early Sunday, haven't had my coffee yet...
It might do you well to go to the ER or Urgent Care and get a shot anyway, and still make an appointment with your doc. I did that when I stepped on an old nail.

Never had tetanus, not anyone I know, so other than the classic jaw and stiffness symptoms, not sure what else to look for.


But wait, there's more...
I plan to call/go tomorrow. If my symptoms spiked into something crazy (e.g. high fever, couldn't talk/chew/swallow/breath/etc.) all of a sudden, it'd warrant an ER visit. But I hate people who clog ERs with stupid chit or minor issues that could wait or be better served at an urgent care, holding up wait times for people who really need to get in there, and wasting doctors' valuable time.


But wait, there's more...
I took a Celebrex about 45 mins ago (rx for my back), thinking that given it's an anti-inflammatory, it might also help with the jaw pain. So far ... nada. :ohwell:
I took a Celebrex about 45 mins ago (rx for my back), thinking that given it's an anti-inflammatory, it might also help with the jaw pain. So far ... nada. :ohwell:

By any chance, have you been under strain, angry about something? IE, jaw clenching without realizing it? I do that and my teeth and jaw hurt for hours, and nothing seems to help the discomfort. I've become very aware of when I clench now.


But wait, there's more...
By any chance, have you been under strain, angry about something? IE, jaw clenching without realizing it? I do that and my teeth and jaw hurt for hours, and nothing seems to help the discomfort. I've become very aware of when I clench now.

Doesn't take much.
I can't chew gum very long, without my jaw starting to hurt.

Nada on both accounts. Wasn't chewing gum yesterday. Hell, I didn't even eat until we'd finished working in the yard. If I was clenching, I'd expect both sides to hurt. Right now, it is just the left side.


I took a Celebrex about 45 mins ago (rx for my back), thinking that given it's an anti-inflammatory, it might also help with the jaw pain. So far ... nada. :ohwell:

Should have chased it with Jim Beam.........:otter:



Has confinement issues..
This reminds me of a story my mom tells about her brother when they were kids.

She got mad at him once and whacked him with a board and it had a nail in it. He convinced her that he got lockjaw from it and she spent days being his slave to keep from getting told on.

Turns out he was faking the whole time and when he came clean, she really tore his azz up!:lol:

I certainly hope you don't have it, but pretending you do could get you a few days sympathy :lol:


But wait, there's more...
I got a tetanus shot yesterday. The nurse said it might not help if I already have it, but at least I got it. :yay:

Symptoms can take up to 6 days to show, so I'm still in the waiting period. :tap: