Everything is going up. Ukraine and Russia supplied 25% of grain to to the Global grain trade, We cannot make up that difference and pay 50% more for fertilizer and Diesel fuel for our farmers use, plus the extra cost of seed and the fertilizer by the way much of it is imported also. Look for shortages of wheat and corn and soy beans , and feed for cattle and in the meantime we will be turning corn into ethanol.
Joe Biden has gotten us into a stinking mess, one we will be lucky to come out of without great harm.
His election not only hurt America, it hurt the world. We are lucky that all countries do not want to go to war with us for electing that damned fool. His policies and his weakness started all of this ,and still he refuses to pump more oil to help other countries get free from Russian fuel pressure and instead is robbing them of the fuel they were getting by the US buying the fuel they would normally be getting.
The fuel is there and the solution to our problem is there, and this (what can I say with so many adjectives I could use and none of them as nasty as I would like to use) Fool and his ignorant Green friends are doing to the world.