Thank you notes for Children's Parties


New Member
I found thank you cards for children at a Hallmark store several years ago. I believe the cards I chose were a Scooby Doo theme. They were a fill in the blank type card so I didn't have to spend hours with a young child trying to write 15 thank yous.


Jack Russells RULE!
According to Miss Manners, emailing a thank you note is still inappropriate. Essentially you have to acknowledge the gift, and if the gifter is there while the giftee opens the gift, a verbal thank you is appropriate. What I've done in the past, if the gift-sender is out of town, I have the recipient of the gift (birthday boy) simply CALL and thank the sender. Easier, and a more personal thank-you. Otherwise, the gift-giver is left wondering if the gift was even received at all.

Remember we had to do the (required) thank you notes when you have been on the receiving end of gifts bestowed upon them by bridal showers, bachelorette parties, wedding presents, baby showers? How difficult it was to (1) Remember the gifts received at the wedding, and (2) trying to write a "personal note of thanks" and "how much I'll use this fondue/fork/cake plate (insert item)".

The best present is cash. No problem.

As said, whenever I get married again, I'll let y'all know. I'm registered at Bank of America. :lmao:

Nanny Pam

virgovictoria said:
I say :yay: :yay: on Thank You notes for gifts. It just feels like the appropriate, appreciative and cultured thing to do...

While young, it's a nice way to instill politeness as well as to let another know that they acknowledge their kindness. I mean, it is a "gift", right?

I get that they probably don't "get it" just yet, but someday they will, hopefully.


New Member
If someone takes the time and money to buy my kid a gift, my kid will take the time and effort to thank them. I usually take a picture of each child at the party and enclose it with the gift specific note.

Sweet 16

I'm sure this thread is dead by now but.... We ABSOLUTELY send thank-you notes. All my husband's nieces and nephews do it as well as our son. There are so few manners left in the world we think it's important that the kids learn to show their appreciation. It is also good writing and penmanship practice for the younger ones. Christmas is different because it is usually family only and each family buys gift(s) for each and every family member so we would all spend several months writing thank-you's.


The Smart Hooker
Okay so I am bumping this thread up...sorry...

But I also send Thank You notes too. Most of my friends do, but then there a few that don't (or even say THANK YOU.) I must remember that the next time they want me to come to their kids birthday party and shell out the money for a gift.

Callie girl

New Member
I don't really agree with thank you cards for a child's birthday. I would much rather get a thank you from the child and parents, it's much more personable and means more than a piece of paper. :shrug: I try to make sure my kids say thank you to everyone before they leave and if they get one in the mail they call that person.


Active Member
raspberry_swirl said:
Does anyone send out thank you notes anymore? Each year that my children have birthday parties, I always send a thank you note out to each child that attends. However, I've noticed that I am the only one that sends these out. Is this a lost art?

Yup, I make my son do them. He just had his 7th birthday party.


New Member
You are very kind to send the notes! I can't even get party guests to RSVP for my kids parties. Nobody showed up for my little girl's 6ht b-party, even those that had RSVP'd didn't show. I quit on the whole party thing!!


aka Mrs. Giant
You know, I was forced as a child to painstakingly write thank you notes for just about everything. I was told that each thank you had to be an individual and heartfelt expression of thanks. Even today, I use thank you cards. If more children were forced to do this, then maybe there would be more appreciative adults out there. :shrug:


Finishing last
migtig said:
You know, I was forced as a child to painstakingly write thank you notes for just about everything. I was told that each thank you had to be an individual and heartfelt expression of thanks. Even today, I use thank you cards. If more children were forced to do this, then maybe there would be more appreciative adults out there. :shrug:

How heartfelt is a forced thank you?

I agree with you that more kids should be taught to be more appreciative. So many people are so worried about what they don't have instead of appreciating what they do have.


New Member
Holiday, anniversary, birthday, graduation, and shower gifts do not require a thank you note unless the gift was sent and you could not thank them in person.

Children's parties usually have some type of goodie bag that is given out to guests. This is a thank you for attending.


Looking for a fox to trot
My boy is 9 and he hand writes thank you notes out to anyone who got him a gift. It doesn't matter what day or holiday it is, who it was from, or where he opened it. They get a thank you. Well, except for me. He'll take the trash out or load the dishwasher that night.