Thank You Southern Maryland


Looks like im on my way out of Southern Maryland.

I wanted to thank all of the people that I ran into here over the past and name a few exceptional people and families I have known and become greatly fond of, trust me I am missing many.

I will keep this as generic as possible so I might remain anonymous.
Please forgive the spelling and grammer it wasnt the intent.
I came here when I was 19 and im almost 40.
When I first came here my first friends were pumpkin (Chris Goddard) and a few from piney point. Boy was it hard to fit in with the locals at first. Well worth the effort I might add I miss you guys. Hell I ran out of gas in front of my wife's house in Valley Lee and Married the best girl a guy could ever ask for.

As I grew older I came to know The McKissicks, The Norris's, The Dorsey's, The Holcombs, The Keen's, The Dyers, The Odell's, The Roarks, The Kurtz, The Mattingly's, The Baldwins & Briscoes, The Harris's, The Whitson, The Cox's, The Dugans You really would have made a fantastic judge, The Knotts (Old Bubby) One of my favorite people in the whole world. This guy should be on the front page of every self help book (One of the warmest and loving, giving people I know) The Blazers Cheryl and her husband are priceless, and countless others are undeniable great friends. You can say anything you want to about this place I will set these people as a reference as to what all friends should be.

To Stenny Hoyer, The Democratic Whip
It is amazing, I happened to sit next to you one night with Bubby at dinner talking politics just as if you were taling to the president, your warmth and caring to this community and every "Little Guy" amazes me. I hope you do well in the future, coming from a Republican conservative. You are simply a great person period and this community would truly be at a loss without you.

There are countless people here that are the heart of Southern Maryland.
If you are new to this area you are in So much luck. If you doubt me wake up one morning and look at the sunrise on your way to work and you will realize why everyone calls this God's country. It's not only the surroundings but the people within.

Thank you all, from the guys that work on the base I worked with to the guys that fix everything in your home and cars. I remember each and every one of you.

Thank you all for making Southern Maryland a great place to find and raise a family.

Thank you St James Pub, Dew Drop Inn, Catamarans, The Door, and of course Tiki, for all the great times one could ask for as a young adult.

One might say "you grow by the people you run into" I hope so.

Hopefully I will end up here to lay at rest & share the ground we walked on.

God bless you all Truly,
Your friend,
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